Examples of the New Totalitarianism Jul 8, 2015RUSH: Now I want to go back to the rest of the new totalitarian piece and give you some examples...
As Trump Pivots to Common Core, the GOP Establishment Still Doesn’t Get What Happened on Immigration Jul 8, 2015RUSH: Now, I want to zero in on one more thing because I got a note from a friend of mine pointing...
Must Read: The New Totalitarians Jul 8, 2015RUSH: Now, the new totalitarians are here. Federalist. Tom Nichols. Who is Tom Nichols? “Tom...
Donald Trump’s Blinding Achievement Jul 8, 2015RUSH: I read a piece today in the Federalist: “The New Totalitarians Are Here.” Have...
Hillary, Bernie — and Biden? Jul 8, 2015RUSH: Did I ever call that? Folks, we’re going to get to that. But the only thing newsworthy about...
The Stock Market Is Scary, Folks Jul 8, 2015RUSH: The Department of Homeland Security is saying no sign of malicious activity at the New York...