A Quick Call on NFL Hall of Fame Voting Jun 5, 2015RUSH: Here’s Matt in St. Paul, Minnesota. Hello.CALLER: Hello, Rush. How are you?RUSH: Very...
It’s One of Our Big Rush Revere Winners! Jun 5, 2015RUSH: Here’s Lucia, who was on the phone from Lake Forest, Illinois. She’s 13 years old. I’m glad...
The Dick Tracy Watch Is Here, But Where’s All the Stuff from the Jetsons? Jun 5, 2015RUSH: Caldwell, Idaho, this is David. Great to have you here. Welcome.CALLER: Yeah, thanks, Rush....
You Gotta Love Rick Perry’s Optimism Jun 5, 2015RUSH: Man, I have to tell you: What a difference! The last time Rick Perry ran (which, of course,...
Caller: Stop Segregating Sports by Gender Jun 5, 2015RUSH: Here’s Steve in Socorro, New Mexico. It’s great to have you on the program, sir....
What Will We Be Forced to Accept Next? Jun 5, 2015RUSH: Mike on the Big Island in Hawaii. Great to have you on the program, sir. Hello.CALLER: Good...
Bad News is Good News on CNN Jun 5, 2015RUSH: Here’s Christine Romans, it’s on CNN newsroom this morning with Carol Costello. The combined...
Mrs. Clinton Perpetuates 50-Year-Old Myth — And Puts GOP on Defensive Jun 5, 2015RUSH: Mrs. Clinton is out accusing the Republicans once again of plotting voter fraud, and she is...
One Person in Pittsburgh Is Offended Jun 5, 2015RUSH: You heard about the controversy in Pittsburgh? You know these public transit buses have...
Think Piece: Tax Democrats Jun 5, 2015RUSH: Folks, what is more dangerous, smoking or living in Baltimore? No, no, no. It’s a serious...
Rush Revere in Spanish! Jun 5, 2015RUSH: Ladies and gentlemen, I mentioned this to you some time ago, and then it went dormant...