Liberals Rediscover an Old Communist Theory on Poverty and DNA May 13, 2015RUSH: From the UK Daily Mail. And I think this is — well, I’ll withhold my characterization...
Barack Is Jealous of Elizabeth May 13, 2015RUSH: The nation’s women are livid — at least the women in the media are livid — at...
Comedian on Comedy Network Complains About a Guy Telling Jokes May 13, 2015RUSH: Speaking of narratives, let me ask you people a question. Do you recall first ladies being...
Does the Drive-By Media Know People Are Still Getting Shot in Baltimore? May 13, 2015RUSH: Did you know that there continue to be murders and shootings in Baltimore? (interruption)...
The Real Obama Comes Out at Georgetown May 13, 2015RUSH: Yesterday, ladies and gentlemen, Barack Obama went to Georgetown University and participated...
Democrats Blame Amtrak Crash on Lack of Infrastructure Spending May 13, 2015RUSH: First the train derailment, Amtrak train derailment. Now, obviously, this is a tragedy,...