The Gang of Nine: It’s Obama’s Bill Jun 21, 2013RUSH: Jay Carney. They went to White House today, the press briefing, and a reporter said,...
Why People Think Democrats Care Jun 21, 2013RUSH: Elia in Euless, Texas. I’m glad you called. It’s Open Line Friday, and it’s your turn. Great...
My Amnesty Alternative: Nothing Jun 21, 2013RUSH: To the phones we return on Open Line Friday. Eric in Queens, and great to have you, sir....
Last Day to Win a Jeep from Two If By Tea Jun 21, 2013RUSH: Now, folks, this is it. This is the last day of the three-day giant sweepstakes at Two If By...
We Know Washington Doesn’t Want to Stop Illegal Immigration — and That’s Why We Don’t Trust Washington Jun 21, 2013RUSH: Senator McCain this afternoon was on Fox News Channel’s Happening Now. Jon Scott talked to...
My Father Always Said You Can Judge a Man’s Character by How He Treats Those Who Can Do Nothing for Him Jun 21, 2013RUSH: Here’s Bob in Clinton, Connecticut, as we go to the phones on Open Line Friday. Hi Bob, nice...
Senator Corker’s Benchmarks for Border Security Measure Intentions, Not Results Jun 21, 2013RUSH: Okay, folks, they still don’t have their 60 votes in the Senate for the Gang of Eight...
NY Post: Last Supper Killed Gandolfini Jun 21, 2013RUSH: I’m getting ready for the program today, reading the New York Post, and they found the cause...