Democrats Use Every Lever of Government to Establish Permanent One-Party Control Jun 20, 2013RUSH: Carla in Lima, Ohio. I’m glad you waited. I really am. It’s great to have you on the...
What Happened in the Last 24 Hours to Cause This Full-Court Press on Border Security? Jun 20, 2013RUSH: Indianapolis, Sal, great to have you on the EIB Network. Hello.CALLER: Hi, Rush. The border...
European Press Dumps on Obama Jun 20, 2013RUSH: The European media is beating up our president like you can’t believe, folks. The European...
Win a Jeep from Two If By Tea! Jun 20, 2013RUSH: Folks, for those of you who are new listeners, my wife Kathryn and I have these sweepstakes...
Obamacare Health Care Exchanges are Democrat Party Front Organizations Jun 20, 2013RUSH: I hate to do this to you, but the Investor’s Business Daily had an editorial yesterday, and...
Washington’s False Premise on Amnesty Jun 20, 2013RUSH: You know, forget everything that we’ve said about immigration today and all the details of...
Untangling the Gang of Eight Web of Deceit Jun 20, 2013RUSH: I want to ask you a question. Do you remember — we talked about it yesterday, so you...