If All Three Branches of Government Agree, Does That Make It Right? Jun 11, 2013RUSH: Look, I don’t want sound like a National Honor Society candidate. I’m not trying to sound...
A Dose of Reality on Immigration Jun 11, 2013RUSH: Get this, folks. This story just cleared the Washington Examiner. The Senate’s comprehensive...
Irish Caller: Believe in Freedom, America Jun 11, 2013RUSH: We go to Atlanta. John, I’m glad you waited. Great to have you on the EIB Network....
Long Knives Out for That Punk Kid Snowden Jun 11, 2013RUSH: Let’s go to the audio sound bites. We have the Washington and media elites upset about...
If Obama’s Doing It, Democrats are Cool With Spying Jun 11, 2013RUSH: Here from the Washington Post: “Most Americans Back NSA Tracking Phone Records,...
El Rushbo’s Take on the New Apple Stuff Jun 11, 2013RUSH: Hillsboro, Ohio. This is Josh. Welcome, sir, to the EIB Network. Great to have you....
We’re All Depressed, Folks… But the Country is Up for Grabs: We Must Stop Amnesty and Hold the House in 2014 Jun 11, 2013RUSH: I got an e-mail that I want to read to you. This is from a subscriber at Rush 24/7, the...
Ochocinco Gets 30 Days for Butt Slap Jun 11, 2013RUSH: Did you hear what happened to Chad Ochocinco today? Well, we got the sound bite for this,...
Good Morning-After, Al Joker Jun 11, 2013RUSH: I need Al Joker. Grab audio sound bite number 13. Obama signed it into law, whatever he did....