The Limbaugh Theorem! The President Lies to His Filthy Rich Palo Alto Donors Jun 10, 2013RUSH: Washington Examiner: “Why is the Obama recovery the weakest recovery since the Great...
Edward Snowden: Hero or Traitor? Jun 10, 2013RUSH: The question is will America, will America make it through Obama’s second term and be...
Focus on Liberalism and the Democrat Party, Not Impeachment Jun 10, 2013RUSH: Jacksonville, Florida, and this is James. It’s great to have you on the EIB Network, sir....
A Review of the Obama Scandals Jun 10, 2013RUSH: I mentioned in the first hour that I wanted to go through some of the scandals, or if you...
Obama Returns to the War on Women Jun 10, 2013RUSH: Guess what he’s out doing today? He’s back on the War on Women. He’s revving that back up....
The Question is Not Whether the Obama Regime Will Survive, But Will America as Founded Survive the Obama Regime? Jun 10, 2013RUSH: Well, how was your weekend, ladies and gentlemen? Everything okay? Everything cool?...