Media: Benghazi Hearings Just a Partisan Attack on Beloved President and Future President May 9, 2013RUSH: The media is portraying Benghazi as nothing more than a failed and cheap Republican...
The Economy Will Rebound Eventually Despite Obama’s Policies, Not Because of Them — But He Will Take Credit May 9, 2013RUSH: James Pethokoukis, who is a fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, published a blog...
As Libs Dismiss the “Whisteblower’s Yarn” on Benghazi, We Ask… Where was Obama? May 9, 2013RUSH: Many of you in the e-mail said, “Rush! Rush! Rush! What about Benghazi?” We...
Minnesota Governor Demands to Know Why Vikings Cut Pro-Gay Marriage Punter May 9, 2013RUSH: This is Craig in Lake City, Florida, as we start on the phones today. Great to have you,...
Heritage Immigration Study Under Assault May 9, 2013RUSH: There’s also a move out there — understandably in the Democrat Party, but within...
Short First Names Equal Higher Paychecks May 9, 2013RUSH: Look, right here. LA Times: “Short First Names Mean Bigger Paychecks, Study...
America Arms Up, Gun Crime Goes Down May 9, 2013RUSH: Earlier this week… Is this Thursday already? It is. We had news earlier this week...
Benghazi? Low-Info America is Watching Jodi Arias and the Cleveland Kidnapping May 9, 2013RUSH: Not much going on out there today, folks. There really isn’t very much. The big news...