Cruz Stands Up to Dingy Harry May 8, 2013RUSH: I’ve got audio sound bites I’ve been intending to get to for days, and now is the time. It’s...
Benghazi: How Do You Explain the Inexplicable? May 8, 2013RUSH: Joe in Louisville. Great to have you on the program. Welcome to the EIB Network.CALLER:...
A Mildly Amusing Example of Media Phoniness May 8, 2013RUSH: This is kind of funny. Yesterday, when CNN was covering events in Cleveland, they had a...
Congressman Elijah Cummings Sums Up Benghazi: “Death is a Part of Life” May 8, 2013RUSH: Elijah Cummings is the ranking Democrat on the House committee that is investigating...
Senator Ted Cruz Proposes Limbaugh Amendment to the Immigration Bill May 8, 2013RUSH: Here are the details on Ted Cruz. It’s a story from US News & World Report: “Sen....
The Reader’s Digest Poll of the Most Trusted People in Low-Information America May 8, 2013RUSH: ReaderÂ’s Digest Trust Poll: The 100 Most Trusted People in America. They survived 1,009...
Mark Sanford Beats Colbert’s Sister — and the Democrats Declare Victory May 8, 2013RUSH: All of the polling leading up to the special election in South Carolina last night,...
We Live in an Upside-Down World: TV Networks Ignore Benghazi Hearings May 8, 2013RUSH: What a shock. What an absolute shock, ladies and gentlemen. It looks like no other news...