The EIB Network Welcomes 1-800-Flowers Dec 10, 2012RUSH: As you know, whenever we have a new sponsor on the program, we take a moment out of the...
This is Why I’m on the Radio and These Smart Guys are in the Senate Dec 10, 2012RUSH: Let’s go to the audio sound bites, back to the Sunday shows. James Carville on This Week...
The NFL’s Real Problem is the Wheel Dec 10, 2012RUSH: Ladies and gentlemen, a serious sociological question. Should the National Football League...
Michigan Unions Will Lay Siege to Lansing Dec 10, 2012RUSH: Here’s Eric in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Great to have you on the EIB Network, sir....
Dems Peddle Instant Gratification, Not the Long-Term Pursuit of Happiness Dec 10, 2012RUSH: Can I give you a little news item here that to me expresses perfectly where we really are,...
There’s No Deal to be Had with Obama That Will Help the Country Dec 10, 2012RUSH: I mentioned it at the top of the program. “Democrats Want Extension of Unemployment...
Democrats Anoint Mrs. Clinton the 2016 Nominee; Newt Concedes on Behalf of GOP Dec 10, 2012RUSH: Have you heard what Newt is saying about Hillary, that if she’s the nominee in 2016, it’s...
Aguilera: Moment with Hillary was Mutual Dec 10, 2012RUSH: Last Friday on the Ellen DeGeneres show, she interviewed the singer Christina Aguilera, and...
The Comical Floundering of the GOP Dec 10, 2012RUSH: Did you see where John Boehner and Obama met at the White House face-to-face for the first...