Did Obama Voters Know What They Voted For? Dec 4, 2012RUSH: The lovely and gracious Mary Katharine Ham at HotAir.com has put together some polling data...
Sarah Palin’s Take on Capitalism’s Bad Rep Dec 4, 2012RUSH: Sarah Palin made a great point the other day. Let me grab the sound bite. She might be on to...
Two If By Tea Donates Over $1 Million Dec 4, 2012RUSH: El Rushbo, having more fun than a human being should be allowed to have. People ask,...
Watered-Down Conservatism is Unattractive Dec 4, 2012RUSH: We are going to start with Jason in Dallas. Great to have you, sir, on the EIB Network....
Avalanche of Obamacare Taxes Begins Dec 4, 2012RUSH: Washington, Reuters: “The Internal Revenue Service has released new rules for...
Boehner Will Do Deal Obama Wants, But Obama Wants to Go Over the Cliff and Destroy the Republican Party Dec 4, 2012RUSH: So during the break Snerdley asks, “Are you gonna talk about the fiscal cliff?”...
Murder Stories Not Involving Guns Dec 4, 2012RUSH: When it rains, it pours, folks. There have been an amazing number of violent deaths....
Don’t Blame Costas, Blame the Microphone Dec 4, 2012RUSH: A lot of people are still upset at Bob Costas for his halftime rant against guns on Sunday....
Did Ailes Push Petraeus for Prez? Dec 4, 2012RUSH: Our old buddy Bob Woodward today in the Style section of the Washington Post. The Now, this...