Prepare for “Obama, the Comeback Kid” Oct 16, 2012RUSH: I keep getting e-mails from people very worried about the debate tonight. They’re really...
Tea Partier: Don’t Back Off 47%, Mitt! Oct 16, 2012RUSH: Diana, Bloomington, Indiana. It’s great to have you on the EIB Network. Hello.CALLER: Hello,...
Mr. Z’s Empty Obama Ad Oct 16, 2012RUSH: I have a campaign ad. Mr. Jay-Z has just posted a campaign ad for Obama. It’s at the Obama...
Carole Simpson on Debate Discrimination and Obama the “People Person” Oct 16, 2012RUSH: This morning, CNN Starting Point, Soledad O’Brien speaking with former ABC News anchor,...
The Polls and the Truth Oct 16, 2012RUSH: Debbie, I’m glad you called, DC suburbs, great to have you on the EIB Network. Hello.CALLER:...
Barry Ignores Question on Hillary and Libya Oct 16, 2012RUSH: Hillary Clinton may think that she’s taking the hit for Obama, but she isn’t. She’s always...
Debate Preview: Obama Knows He’s Full of It, Romney Knows Obama’s Full of It — and Obama Knows Romney Knows He’s Full of It Oct 16, 2012RUSH: I want to talk about Mitt Romney at Bain Capital for just a second and ask you a question....
Victor Davis Hanson on Those Who Fell for the Obama Myth (Note Who Isn’t on the List) Oct 16, 2012RUSH: I want to share with you something that I saw yesterday at National Review Online. As you...
Hillary Gets Dumped On Again! Oct 16, 2012RUSH: Right. That’s it. That’s how it happened. Hillary, it always comes down to Hillary. I have...