An Uncomfortable Week as We Wait for Court Pronouncements Jun 26, 2012RUSH: Jan in Kaysville, Utah, as we head back to the phones. Thank you for waiting and welcome to...
Media to Mitt: It’s Not the Economy, Stupid Jun 26, 2012RUSH: The Associated Press: “When it comes to the economy, half of Americans in a new poll...
Romney Flubbed Arizona Response Jun 26, 2012RUSH: Ladies and gentlemen, yesterday Mitt Romney blew it with the response to all the immigration...
Call from a Citizen of Realville Jun 26, 2012RUSH: Here’s Steve in Los Angeles. Hello, Steve. Welcome to the program.CALLER: Thank you, Rush. I...
A Young Hispanic-American Who Supports the Rule of Law, Not Obama Jun 26, 2012RUSH: Omar, Riverside, California. I’m glad you waited. It’s your turn, sir. Have at it.CALLER:...
Aaron Sorkin’s The Newsroom on HBO: More Evidence That Liberalism is Losing Jun 26, 2012RUSH: Yesterday I asked Snerdley if he had seen The Newsroom on HBO. He said he hadn’t. And...
Hillary, Huma and the Muslim Sisterhood Jun 26, 2012RUSH: I checked the e-mail during the break, “You were going to tell us about Egypt.”...
Obama’s Red Sox Joke Booed in Boston Jun 26, 2012RUSH: There’s an Obama fundraiser event in Boston and taxpayers are having to cover security for...
Politico Warns Chief Justice Roberts Jun 26, 2012RUSH: The Politico has a story today warning John Roberts: “You can be lionized and be the...
Missouri Democrats Flee Ship: McCaskill Ditches DNC, Nixon Dumps on Obamacare Jun 26, 2012RUSH: What is going on with all these Democrats deciding not to go to the Democrat convention? Are...
Obama Goes “Soviet” on Arizona Jun 26, 2012RUSH: So the regime is using the Department of Homeland Security to punish Obama’s enemies. I saw...
The Regime Refuses to Enforce the Border and Tells the State of Arizona to Go to Hell Jun 26, 2012RUSH: I said yesterday on this program that the Obama regime told Arizona to drop dead. Last night...