Donna Summer was One of Us May 17, 2012RUSH: And a little Donna Summer into the bumper rotation. Donna Summer, dead today, 63 years old,...
Regime in Panic: Saber Rattling on Iran May 17, 2012RUSH: Here’s a story. It’s a UK Telegraph story. This story convinces me that I’m right, even...
The Mayor of Realville Grapples with the Illogic of Liberalism May 17, 2012RUSH: Scott in Atlanta. Great to have you on the EIB Network. Hello.CALLER: Hello, Rush. It’s...
Were You Really Taught Blood is Blue? May 17, 2012RUSH: This is Doug in Rochester, New York. Great to have you, sir. Thank you for calling.CALLER:...
It’s Thursday… Jobless Numbers Revised Up May 17, 2012RUSH: You remember last week — you may not, but I do. And I’m here to tell you and to remind...
How Do You Like the Supposed GOP Plan for the SCOTUS Ruling on Obamacare? May 17, 2012RUSH: “House Republican leaders are quietly hatching a plan of attack as they await a...
Enviro-Idiots: Two Earths Needed by 2030 May 17, 2012RUSH: I have here, ladies and gentlemen, a full-fledged story at the Huffing and Puffington Post:...
Dick Morris Debunks Fox Poll — on Fox May 17, 2012RUSH: Fox News came out with their poll yesterday — has Obama up. Dick Morris went on Fox...
Obama Inserts Himself into White House Website Biographies of Previous Presidents May 17, 2012RUSH: Elizabeth Warren, folks, I’ve been thinking about this. Why should she have to prove her...
Joe Biden Goes Nuts in Ohio May 17, 2012RUSH: So Joe Biden is off the reservation. A little Elizabeth Warren lingo there. Joe Biden is...