Bush, Trump and Ryan on Tax Cuts and Debt Apr 10, 2012RUSH: Here’s George W. Bush at his conference. This is in New York City today on taxes and...
A Warning to the Republican Establishment Apr 10, 2012RUSH: To the phones we go, Livonia, Michigan. This is Ken. Glad you waited, sir. Great to have you...
Sarah Palin Saves “Today” Apr 10, 2012RUSH: Ann Marie in Gilbert, Arizona. It’s great to have you on the EIB Network. Hello.CALLER:...
The Spin Should the Supremes Strike Down Obamacare: Five Republican Justices Have Saved Your Private Health Care Apr 10, 2012RUSH: Dillard, Nebraska, this is John. Great to have you on the program, sir. Hello.CALLER: Thank...
Santorum Suspends: So What Now? Apr 10, 2012RUSH: Rick Santorum has just suspended his campaign. I think the reason for suspending the...
What Does the IRS Know About Obamacare That We Don’t? Apr 10, 2012RUSH: Now, I got an e-mail note from a friend. “Hey, Rush, why are the markets plunging?...
Regime Refocuses the Buffett Rule Apr 10, 2012RUSH: Jim Geraghty at National Review Online today, the Buffett Rule. They’re changing their tune...
Unemployed Americans Outnumber the Total Population of Germany Apr 10, 2012RUSH: You know, I oftentimes struggle here, as I mentioned last week. We trying to be as...
Obama Thinks America as Founded is Unfair Apr 10, 2012RUSH: Let me tell you what’s going on. I mentioned this in the third hour of the program, but I...
The American Left Can’t Figure Out What’s Wrong with What Ozzie Guillen Said Apr 10, 2012RUSH: Ozzie Guillen, the manager of the Florida Marlins: Suspended for five games for praising...
Is Anyone Really Shocked That Obamacare Costs More Than They Told Us? Apr 10, 2012RUSH: I’m sitting here, my mouth is agape. Everybody is all bent out of shape over this report...