
Rush Limbaugh

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The Rush Limbaugh Show Main Menu

The Doctor of Democracy

“The Democrats thought they’d trick me into spending this whole show talking about the...

Your Guiding Light

“If the American people want out of Iraq, why’d the Senate reject a bill to cut off funding...

It’s Open Line Friday!

“We’re going to turn this immigration bill into the next Dubai Ports Deal, folks. Get ready...

America’s Real Anchorman

“Have you ever noticed that there was no global warming crisis when Bill Clinton was...

Global Warming Update

RUSH: Dadelut dadelut dadelut dadelut. Trumpet fanfare. It’s update time, and it’s time for...

The Doctor of Democracy

“Our friends in the Democrat Party and the Drive-By Media do not believe in the concept of...

A Lovable Little Fuzzball

“We can put a man on the moon, we can play romantic, classical music for sharks, but we...

It’s Open Line Friday!

“Happy Memorial Day out there to everybody. Try for a brief moment over the weekend to...

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