Wednesday Quotes: An Army of One

by Rush Limbaugh - May 19,2011

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“Folks, this is very simple: If you want health care run like the financial mortgage system, vote Obama.”

“Joe, you are illustrating the hopelessness of the Obama campaign. I hit you with facts, and you still want to try to use this program to present a false illusion. You really take the cake, you and your gang, because this mortgage scandal? You own it.”

“I’ll make a prediction: Joe Biden will say, ‘When Christopher Columbus got off the airplane in 1492, he knew that we needed tax increases.'”

“Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are simply branch offices of the Democrat Party, and you can see what happens when the Democrats get their hands on something: they destroy it!”

“I’d like a little more collateral on a presidential candidate than justhaving Bill Ayers and Jeremiah Wright and Tony Rezko as cosigners on Obama’s presidential application.”

“How do you tell the difference between Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Barack Obama? One of them needs a translator.”

“If the government really wants to do something here, they haveplenty of ammo. If you cut corporate and capital gains taxes, drill everywhere, drill now, and keep Obama out of the White House, look out — we’re going to be booming.”

“Folks, like I’ve always said, if we’re going to have a recession, don’t participate. You’d be surprised at the power of attitude.”

“Bottom line about the polls right now — don’t ignore them, but don’t give them a whole lot of credibility either or let them affect your attitude. The purpose right now is to have you all depressed, but I’ll tell you when it’s time to panic.”

“I have a survey out from Clairol that says women who dye their hair are more sexually confident. Has this been your experience, Mr. Snerdley?”