Tuesday Quotes: Your Conservative Rock

by Rush Limbaugh - May 19,2011

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“Mikhail Gorbachev, Lenin, Stalin — they never got this kind of coverage from their media that Obama is getting now… and they owned it!”

“I can’t tell you how much I wish my mom and dad were alive to see all of this, to have a brilliant and independent scientist — a former NASA scientist — be discredited by a US senator simply because he has an association with me.”

“I am fuming today as I listen to these Obama sound bites. The Drive-Bys are propping this guy up, and he’s just being a jerk. There’s no other way to put this! He’s just being an ungrateful jerk, trying to take credit for all that’s happened over in Iraq.”

“Chesterton said, ‘If you don’t believe in God, you will believe in anything.’ And I’ll tell you, there are quite a few people in this country who apparently do not believe in God. They’re either orthodox Obama, fundamentalist Obama, evangelical Obama, or reform Obama.”

“I don’t think Kim Gandy was ever attractive, but Eleanor Holmes Norton… now, she — you’re damn right — was a looker.”

“See, Jacob, if I were your age or a little older, and there was a liberal babe out there that I wanted to meet up with and see where it went, I’d start talking about alternative energy.”

“I detest these people some days, folks, I detest them. To stretch credulity like this, to go so far out of bounds to avoid crediting your own country with success in Iraq… In a sane political environment, Obama would be a laughingstock.”

“I just heard from Cookie — she just told me that the full-length montage of all of Obama’s stutters in his 40 minute press conference runs eight minutes. Imagine eight minutes of this: ‘Uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh.'”

“Obama hasn’t contributed one damn thing to this victory. I take that back. He has contributed one thing: He took off his American flag lapel pin. But aside from that, Barack Obama has not done one thing but try to secure defeat in Iraq.”

“Obama doesn’t have voters. He has a flock. He has disciples. And I’m wondering which one will become Judas.”