Tuesday Quotes: Leader of the Opposition

by Rush Limbaugh - May 19,2011

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“I don’t want anything to ever happen to Barack Obama, but especially because Joe Biden is number two.”

“If you want to know who Barney Frank is, he is Enron, AIG, WorldCom, Global Crossing, and all the rest wrapped up in one — and worse. Barney Frank is an example of what is wrong with Soviet-style industrial policy.”

“People are saying, ‘Rush, we need third party.’ No, we don’t. We need to retake the Republican Party. I mean, the liberals didn’t go out and form a third party — they just took over the Democrat Party.”

“Obama is out there saying to the troops, ‘I will not risk your lives until it’s absolutely necessary.’ When is it going to be necessary? Are we waiting on General ‘Swifty’ Kerry to tell us when it’s okay?”

“I’m thinking it just isn’t fair for me to take advantage of the media’s lack of critical thinking skills and their inability to recognize hypocrisy. The Media Tweak of the Day… it may be abusive. It’s like picking on children.”

“A Gallup poll says that 40% of Americans now say they are conservative, 20% say liberal, 36% say moderate. And of those three groups, which one is being attacked by the Republican Party? The conservatives! The Republican Party has a death wish!”

“If you want to be a moderate or a liberal, be a Democrat. If you want to be a Republican and you want to win, be a conservative.”

“President Obama, the troops already are in harm’s way, and you are not backing them to the hilt. You are dithering, and their morale is plummeting. Everybody involved does not understand why, Mr. President, you are not committed to the strategy that you announced in March.”

“When the Democrats get into trouble, they think all they have to do is mention Bush. Well, it isn’t going to be long before a whole lot of people start saying, ‘Gosh, I wish Bush was running this.'”

“I am not going to tone it down. The truth is the truth, stark as it might be.”