“Healthy” Eating and Other Myths

by Rush Limbaugh - May 19,2011

RUSH: I love when commonsense news that I always espouse hits the media. You people who have listened to me regularly for 23 years know this. All this gobbledygook about nutrition and exercise, I’ve always pooh-poohed it, and I’ve always laughed at it and the Center for Science in the Public Interest and all this healthy Nazi eating lifestyle, all that rotgut. Over the course of the years, the SUV is gonna kill us, that kind of stuff, it just offends my sensibilities, it’s an insult to my intelligence, and it’s always amused me. It doesn’t surprise me because I know a lot of people are sheep, but it’s always amused me. Somewhere, somebody in the media will say, ‘If you have five oranges a week and three carrots and two peas and so forth you will not get cancer as readily as if somebody who doesn’t.’ There’s always this stuff. It’s either oat bran this, or oat bran, no, no, no, or coffee caffeinated, decaffeinated, you gotta be careful, you can’t eat that, you can’t drink that, you better make sure you have lots of that but don’t have any of this. People treat this stuff as gospel and before it’s over they’re swallowing five bottles of vitamins every day, and they’re taking laxatives three times day, and they’re doing all this because they’ve heard it in the media from some so-called scientific authority.

And once again we turn to the UK, this time the Daily Mail: ‘This Cynical Five-a-Day Myth: Nutrition Expert Claims We’ve All Been Duped.’ Here’s the summary of the story. A study of over 300,000 people indicates that eating fruit and vegetables will not keep us alive for much longer than we would have lived if we had eaten what we wanted. All these years we’ve been slogging through eating massive amounts of vegetables, trying to smile though our taste buds were breaking, wasted time, wasted effort, bamboozled. This story points out that we need fat, we need animal food in order to stay healthy, and that’s how we get the vitamins and minerals that we need.

‘With great fanfare, it was reported last week that the current health advice about eating five portions of fruit and vegetables a day is outdated, and that scientists now believe that eight portions is more beneficial.’ And with no more than that, people will believe it because it shows up in the media. And scientists wouldn’t lie about this, why would they anyway? Jack LaLanne was a vegetarian, look what happened to him? He died. Jack LaLanne was a vegetarian exercise freak and look what happened to him. He passed away. It’s amazing, isn’t it? ‘While many people grumbled about how on earth they would manage those extra portions, I allowed myself a wry smile.’ This is Zoe Harcombe writing. ‘For more than two years I’ve known that the ‘five-a-day’ mantra we’re all so familiar with is nothing but a fairytale. Of course, they are tasty, colorful additions to any meal. But in terms of health and nutrition, fruit and veg have little to offer, and telling us to eat eight portions a day is compounding one of the worst health fallacies in recent history.

‘Surprised? Many people will be, and no doubt some dieticians and nutritionists will reject my arguments. But science backs me up. The latest findings come from a European study into diet and health looking at 300,000 people in eight countries. It found that people who ate eight or more portions of fresh food a day had a 22 per cent lower chance of dying from heart disease. Yet just 1,636 participants died during the study from heart disease, which is about half of one per cent. Out of that very small proportion, fewer people died from the group that ate more fruit and veg. However, the researchers cautioned that these people may have healthier lifestyles generally. They may be less likely to smoke; they may eat less processed food; they may be more active. What we should not do is to make the usual bad science leap from association to causation and say ‘eating more fruit and veg lowers the risk of dying from heart disease.” If you want to believe it nothing’s gonna talk you out of it. And that’s fine, if you want to believe it, go right ahead. Just remember Jack LaLanne. But feel free, just keep it to yourself.

‘This survey comes not long after another large study, which examined half a million people over eight years, reported that fruit and veg offer no protection against breast, prostate, bowel, lung or any other kind of tumor. Those eating the most fruit and veg showed no difference in cancer risk compared with those eating the least. So how have we been duped for so long? You might assume our five-a-day fixation is based on firm evidence. But you’d be wrong. It started as a marketing campaign dreamt up by around 20 fruit and veg companies and the U.S. National Cancer Institute at a meeting in California in 1991. And it’s been remarkably successful.’ My point with all this is, just live. You don’t need some government agency, some president, some first lady or some other authority figure from the government telling you what’s good and what’s bad ’cause it’s all bad, it’s all good. Live! Eating, whatever you do, it has consequences. And no matter what you do, Jack LaLanne is a testament, you are going to die. Everybody does.

People have been turned into neurotics over all this kind of stuff. I just hate, it scares me the ability that these nameless, faceless, authoritative, credible sounding organizations combined with a media report have the ability to essentially affect the behavior of massive, millions and millions of numbers of people, which of course does not help us in our quest against the whole notion of big government, nanny government and all of that. I don’t know how to put a number to this. When Algore’s movie came out, Earth in the Lurch, whatever it was called, Earth in the Balance, the movie, Inconvenient Truth, the number of people who bought that was striking. I mean people I know. People who think like I do, they bought it. ‘Well, he was a former vice president, why would he lie about this? He only wants to help people and save the planet.’ No concept that there might be a political ideology behind this. No concept there could be a political ideology behind all this fruit and vegetable stuff. If not a political ideology, exclusively, maybe there is a propaganda campaign involving people who sell these things. Who knows?

But it all adds up to people unknowingly giving up a little bit of their freedom of choice and happily becoming automatons, and more than half the time this stuff is based on absolute BS and every one of these reports is coupled with some causal relationship to terminal diseases, like cancer, stroke, heart attack, and this kind of thing. Then you end up with self-important people who claim to be experts who aren’t experts and then run around appearing on television all the time proselytizing about this stuff, and it just sets up liberal Democrat politicians to feed off of and do the same thing.

Let me read a little bit more from this story to you. ‘You might assume our five-a-day fixation is based on firm evidence. But you’d be wrong.’ Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. ‘It started as a marketing campaign dreamt up by around 20 fruit and veg companies and the U.S. National Cancer Institute at a meeting in California in 1991,’ to suggest vegetables five days a week. ‘People in 25 countries, across three continents, have been urged to eat more greens, and have done so in their millions, believing it was good for them.’ Where does this lead? The first lady invades Walmarts and starts telling them what they can sell and at how much a price. None of her business.


RUSH: This is a UK story, but I’ll still use their numbers. ‘The fact that our own government has spent £3.3 million over the past four years on the five-a-day message shows how pervasive this belief is. People are convinced that fruit and vegetables are a particularly good source of vitamins and minerals. … The message that fruit and veg are pretty useless, nutritionally, gradually dawned on me. For a long time, I too was a believer. I was a vegetarian for 20 years. It is only after nearly two decades of my own research — I am a Cambridge graduate and currently studying for a PhD in nutrition — that I have changed my views. The facts are these. There are 13 vitamins and fruit is good for one of them, vitamin C.

‘Vegetables offer some vitamins — vitamin C and the vegetable form of the fat-soluble vitamins A and vitamin K1 — but your body will be able to absorb these only if you add some fat, such as butter or olive oil. The useful forms of A and K — retinol and K2 respectively — are found only in animal foods. As for minerals, there are 16 and fruit is good for one of them, potassium, which is not a substance we are often short of, as it is found in water. Vegetables can be OK for iron and calcium but the vitamins and minerals in animal foods (meat, fish, eggs and dairy products) beat those in fruit and vegetables hands down.’

I know some of you are getting mad at me right now. I know it. You’re getting mad at me simply because I’m reporting what this guy says because I happen to know what he says is true. You’re getting mad at me because you believe this stuff. That’s how deeply ingrained it is. It ought not matter. But I know you are getting mad at me for daring to challenge and disagree with something that is so ingrained into our culture. And one of the reasons people are getting mad is because if they can lie about this, which at the end of the day is pretty inconsequential, if they can lie about this, if they can so propagandize what people can eat on the false premise of staying healthier and living longer, then what the heck else can they accomplish?

Fruit has a fraction of the antioxidants. I remember meeting a guy once who ate nothing but blueberries, and he was an evangel on blueberries cause of all the anti-oxidants. He committed suicide a month after I met him. I’m not saying there’s a causal relationship. There’s a difference between me and them. If I were like them I’d say blueberries led to the guy’s suicide. That’s not what I’m saying at all. But there are people who could be made to believe that. If I reported that a certain way and I had just one expert with a PhD or an MD behind his name, warning about the overconsumption of blueberries, how many of you would drop them from your diet? The guy had other problems and they were exemplified by this weird obsession with blueberries. He thought he was purifying every aspect his body by OD’ing on blueberries. He had blueberries on everything. Blueberries on his fillet of sole. He thought he was getting healthier, best antioxidants out there. And he committed suicide for things totally unrelated to it, but if I were like them, if I was disingenuous and if I had an agenda and if I wanted to exhibit mind control over people, I would try to tell you that the overconsumption of blueberries — just go out and find some expert who agrees, give ’em a fax machine and a logo, and better than me, you know, have ’em show up on ABC or NBC, or CBS, how many people would start cutting back on blueberries?


RUSH: Let me give you another example here. Seriously. Let’s see… Five years ago, how many of you had ever heard of Michelle Obama? Answer: Less than one-tenth of 1% of you. Today what is she? According to our media… (interruption) No, no, she’s not ‘first lady.’ She’s a nutrition expert. Really? I don’t remember reading anything about nutrition doctorates or majors. She didn’t even like her country, and presumably didn’t care what people ate. Then her husband ran for president and all of a sudden she became proud of her country. Now the woman runs all over the place insisting that people not eat what she doesn’t want them to eat. Well, excuse me, but who is she? What is it about being first lady that conveys expertise upon her? I’m sorry, it’s just the way I look at it.

I don’t mean this personally, but as an educated, intelligent human being using experience guided by intelligence, a woman I never heard ago five years ago now is the world’s foremost authority on gardening and eating, and I don’t see it. (interruption) Meaning ‘I don’t see it.’ I don’t see it and I don’t understand it. Nor do I accept it or believe it. I’ll tell you something else: I’m going to prove it. I can tell you something right now. I know some of you are gonna blow your lids. All this business about secondhand smoke killing people? It’s an out-and-out lie. You may not like the smell, it might make you uncomfortable — and on some rare occasions it might make some of you sick — but it’s not going to kill anybody. But how many people think otherwise? And look how many locoweeds are trying to shut down people smoking 150 feet away inside a hermetically sealed room ’cause they claim they’re dying?


Let’s check some e-mails. Subject line: ‘Are you okay today? You’re sounding kinda cranky, El Rushbo. Two calls in a row you were kinda rude and out of line. The guy on the cell phone made a good analogy about saved jobs [No, he didn’t] and the OR nurse tried to explain medical terminology to you. [She was wrong.] You didn’t handle yourself in your normal cordial fashion. Take a pill or a nap or whatever. I don’t think I’ve ever heard you quite this far off base. Peace, papa.’ (crumbles up paper)

‘Dear Rush: You’re showing your ignorance. I don’t believe that Mr. LaLanne had trouble with his hearing or required a transplant to keep himself alive for those 96 years. Can you say the same? Is your body functioning in a way it was designed, too? We listeners all know that you’ve had invasive surgery to repair your hearing. I would advise you not to go there anymore because the more you talk about this issue the more your listeners are turned off by your denials of this truth. Signed, The Wasp.’

And then there’s this: ‘You are so right.’ ‘Hi, Rush. You’re so right about nutrition — about the nutrition Nazis and their social engineering plans. I am a doctor, PhD, human nutrition and nutritional biology, University of Chicago. Once I had some people tell me when they heard I was getting a doctorate in nutrition that after graduating I should start up a company selling capsules of blue-green algae and claim all sorts of health benefits for it and make a ton of money.’

Sounds good to me. I mean, to me that would be… (interruption) Are they already on the market? Are they? Capsules of blue-green algae and claim all sortsa health benefits? (interruption) It’s called esfirina? (interruption) Spirulina? Sp? (interruption) Spirulina. I guess it’s easier taking an algae capsule than running down to the swamp and just sucking some off of the top of the water? (interruption) Okay. Just to let you know. I knew this was gonna happen. For some reason, people are irritated out there. I got a little irritated at some guy trying to tell me that there was a way to quantify savings jobs out there (sigh), but that wasn’t why I was irritated. I was irritated ’cause the guy’s on a cell phone and we have a 1920s Alexander Graham Bell phone system here and people on cell phones cannot hear me when I’m trying to talk to ’em. I wasn’t irritated at the guy. Who’s next?

Grand Junction, Colorado. Terry, welcome to the EIB Network. Great to have you here.

RUSH: Hi, Rush. How are you?

RUSH: Very well, thank you.

CALLER: Good. I just had a comment. Um, y-you made… You had the comment about Jack LaLanne. I was just laughing so historically, because the man lived to be almost a hundred years old, so he must have been doing something right.

RUSH: Yeah, but he still died.

CALLER: Well, honey, we all die. (snickers)

RUSH: I think —

CALLER: If you reach almost a hundred, you’re doing something right — and you’re a smart guy, remember? So you should know this.

RUSH: I realize that.

CALLER: Sitting behind the gooold mike with all the gooold words.

RUSH: Uh —

CALLER: I used to listen to you, and now I’m just, like, you’re so pompous, and you say the same things — and if I had a dollar for every time I heard the word ‘Obama,’ I would be rich.

RUSH: No. Well, then?

CALLER: So I had to see what you were talking about today and see if I could actually get a word in edgewise ’cause you usually shut everybody up (sic), so I just wanted to shut you up today and I’ll never listen to you again. Have a good one.

RUSH: Fine.

CALLER: (click)

RUSH: So that’s 3-for-3. We’re 3-for-3 on the phones today. (laughing) I’d say the guy who’s got a problem today is not me, it’s Snerdley. This stuff, folks, doesn’t happen by accident — and I just want to let you know the first thing Snerdley did is storm in here today giving me all kinds of grief about the Steelers being in the Super Bowl at his team’s stadium. That’s what’s going on here. Well, this is gonna be an adventure. This is like Open Line Friday with Snerdley having missed his algae capsules.

Zack in Orlando, Florida. Welcome to the EIB Network. What’s on your mind?

CALLER: Sir, it is an honor to talk to you, just to start off. I’m a Steelers fan and I’m a younger guy so I was hoping maybe you could help me understand this a little bit. I mean, I agree with you 99% of the time, and I’m into nutrition and everything myself, but I don’t see it being such a big deal for her to go out and say, ‘Eat fruits and vegetables and take your vitamins.’ I mean, I don’t see what the big deal is on that. Why it’s gotta be such an issue.

RUSH: Well, see, this is the point: It’s a big deal because you have to look at who she is politically. This is an attempt to exhibit all kinds of mind control over as many people as possible. This is a regime that lives off of mind control. This is a regime that wants to live and have a Nanny State. That’s why I said, ‘Five years ago, nobody heard this woman, now she’s the leading nutrition expert in the country?’

CALLER: I don’t know. I take her for… You know, like you said, she’s not a doctor, she’s not this, but if she’s gonna go and say, ‘Eat your vegetables’ and a couple kids listen to her, I don’t see it as being such a bad thing. I mean, I don’t think she’s trying to take over and tell everybody what to do because I don’t listen to anything, you know, she says anyway, but —

RUSH: But you don’t find anything wrong with it?

CALLER: You know, I really… On that issue, I really don’t. I think that if a couple… I’m hundred percent against Obama, I don’t agree with anything that the guy says. But, you know, going out and saying, ‘Eat your vegetables,’ if the kid listens to it and it saves me from paying my taxes when this guy’s gotta go to the hospital, I don’t see a big deal.

RUSH: Yeah, but it’s not just that she’s saying, ‘Eat your vegetables.’ It’s she’s also saying, ‘Don’t eat X.’ She is doing harm to other participants in the food industry. She is categorizing other foods as ‘bad.’

CALLER: Right.

RUSH: But more importantly than that, Zack, the root of everything I have said today is born in my love of people and my hope for people to be individuals and the best they can be rather than be robots and to be so easily swayed by mass media and propaganda. I know it’s a failed attempt. The quest here is not gonna succeed because mass propaganda has always succeeded. It just disturbs me, that’s all. And it’s not just Michelle Obama. There’s a group out there called Center for Science in the Public Interest, and they have banned certain foods from being sold and consumed in public. It’s none of their damn business.

And then the people that believe this stuff become evangels of it and they start running around poking their nose in your business and what you’re eating and so forth, and it’s offensive. To me, that leads to people buying — hook, line, and sinker — political lies. If these people are gonna get credit for compassion and caring and people thinking, ‘They only want what’s good for people, and that’s evidenced by her push for kids to eat vegetables,’ then it’s gonna make it all that much tougher to defeat these people in the political arena. And that’s how I look at this. Especially with these people. It’s never just about what they say. Have you read the Obama health care bill? Have you read the latest regulations from the Food and Drug Administration?

You know, once we accept the notion that people in Washington have all the answers, and if we believe the lie that they only do what they do for us because they love us and care about us and they only want what’s good for us, then we’re sunk. Because all they care about is what’s good for them. The Obama health care bill is way beyond serving suggestions. We’re talking about things legislated and regulated. Michelle Obama (well known nutrition expert) now has major input into what your kids are gonna eat, what they’re gonna be fed in school for breakfast, lunch, and dinner — and it’s not just an isolated thing over here.

‘Well, Rush, it’s vegetables. I mean, what’s wrong with recommending that?’ These are the same people that have death panels. That’s part of federal legislation. These are the same people are gonna be determining, in many cases, who’s fit to live and who’s fit not to live by virtue of who is worth medical care based on the cost of it. All of this stuff, if you play it out to where it could end up, it ends up to expansive government, loss of liberty and freedom — and this is how it’s all done: Starting with these innocent, innocuous things like, ‘Make sure, little Johnny, you have your five servings of vegetables every day,’ or every week or whatever it is.

It bothers me greatly as an individualist, somebody who loves people, who believes that people have more power and potential to be great than they even know. To all of a sudden just throw all that away in belief that there are others who care more about you than you won’t be, who knows more about you than you do, who have your health more in mind than you do — when in fact their designs on you are something far, far more insidious than what you’re eating. That’s what it comes down to. They’re liberals. They’re liberals and leftists, and that means they want to control as much of what you do as they can. And that is facilitated, the more they’re able to convince you that they’re doing it just for you.

I have a hard time believing… (sigh)

I could be wrong about this, but I have a hard time believing that Michelle Obama is sitting there in the White House wringing her hands in angst and worry over what people are eating in this country. More likely, they focus-grouped a cause. (Every first lady has to have one, you know.) So all of a sudden one day Michelle plants a garden in the White House lawn. ‘Oh, it’s a beautiful thing!’ and ‘Here goes Limbaugh! Gosh, what’s happened to Limbaugh? He’s attacking the first lady’s garden. I can’t believe it. What’s happened to Limbaugh? Aren’t there more important things to do than attack the first lady’s garden?’ It’s not the first lady’s garden. Do you know it happened to be miraculously the fastest growing garden in the history of gardens? Did you know that Michelle Obama was feeding entire slates of state dinner guests, 200 of them, from the Michelle Obama Garden? Did you know that? It’s never been done since loaves and fishes, folks! It’s an amazing thing.


RUSH: Chicago and Ray. Great to have you on the program, sir. Hi.

CALLER: Great pleasure to speak with you, Rush.

RUSH: Appreciate that.

CALLER: Thanks for all you do. Back to your statement about food and controlling our food. I remember some years ago they pulled coconut oil off the market and took away one of my great pleasures which was theater popcorn. Somebody controlling, you know, what I eat and what I want.

RUSH: That was the Center for Science in the Public Interest that did that. They said that coconut oil is the highest in cholesterol and you’re gonna die much sooner than otherwise if you eat a couple colonels of popcorn popped in it. However, I’m gonna give you a little hint. You can still get it.

CALLER: Well, not at the theaters, if I’m correct.

RUSH: No, not at the theaters, and you can’t get it at the grocery store. Well, I haven’t been to a grocery store in about ten years so I don’t know what’s in there now, but I looked back when this happened and you couldn’t find coconut oil, raw coconut oil to cook things in anywhere in the grocery store. I’d go up and ask people, they didn’t even know what I was talking about. But all you have to do is Google popcorn and coconut oil, and you’ll find all kinds of places you can buy it. It’s not microwavable, you actually gotta take out a pot and a pan and you gotta shake it up there on the stove. But you know why coconut oil is used? Or was?

CALLER: What was the reason?

RUSH: Aside from the unique flavor and taste, which was key, obviously, but almost as close, any concessionaire for a stadium pops popcorn well in advance of the event. Coconut oil holds the popcorn. You can pop it on Monday, if you keep it sealed in bags and heat it up five days later, it tastes like it was just popped. You can’t do that with Wesson oil. You can’t do it with Crisco. You can’t do it with anything else. By the time five days goes, no matter what you do it’s stale, it’s gone. The coconut oil holds it so it was an efficiency oil. It allowed these people to not have to pop popcorn at the moment somebody wanted it, or within five minutes to keep it fresh. And when you’re popping popcorn for a stadium or for a multiplex theater, it’s gotta be there when people want it. And that’s one of the beauties of coconut oil. It has since been learned that coconut oil is among the healthiest of oils that are out there. All of this was totally bogus, a hundred percent bogus. I have coconut oil popcorn at home in my media room. When I have guests over I love popping the stuff up, it’s amazing. I’ll lay out a sports bar menu for guests, it’s the Super Bowl or final round of the Masters, and I’ll have sliders and jumbo hot dogs from Allen Brothers and stuff, and I’ll have some of that popcorn, and I can’t tell you the number of people who rave about the popcorn ’cause it tastes like the stuff I used to be able to get in theaters, and I loved that. It’s still entirely legal, it’s just they can’t use it at theaters, but you can buy it.

CALLER: Thanks for all you do, Rush.

RUSH: All right.

CALLER: It’s good to talk to you.

RUSH: Now, I don’t know if — I really don’t know — theaters can buy this stuff, too, and use it if they want to get a machine and pop it. I don’t know how that works. I do know that this outfit got it banned from selling to the public. That may have been changed. What they had to go to was canola oil after that. There’s no comparison in the taste, literally none. So it’s another one of these examples where a bunch of emaciated looking waifs, miserable in their own lives wanted to tell everybody else what they could and couldn’t eat.

Here’s Barbara in Wayne, Pennsylvania. Great to have you on the EIB Network. Hello.

CALLER: How you doing, Rush?

RUSH: Fine and dandy. Thank you.

CALLER: Good. You sound like you’re in a better mood.

RUSH: (laughing) I am. I am. Thank you very much.

CALLER: You’re welcome. Okay, listen, you have to be your own best advocate for what food you eat. Forget the government; forget Michelle Obama. You’ve gotta do your own research. You’re absolutely right about coconut oil. It’s one of the best oils for you and I know where you can get it. I just was talking to somebody.

RUSH: Well, I’m glad it’s for sale then. In all of my life I tried to get it at retail places, just coconut oil by itself and I couldn’t, and probably because it was hydrogenated, you know, and that’s become bad now, that’s —

CALLER: Yeah. Well, you can’t walk into the grocery store and blindly think everything in there is good for you, though. You’ve gotta read; you gotta do your own research.

RUSH: Well, ‘good for you’ is relative.

CALLER: I know.

RUSH: Give me an example. You’re going through the grocery store and you see that’s not good for you and you won’t buy it, what is it?

CALLER: Cheez Whiz.

RUSH: Cheez Whiz.

CALLER: Yeah, and I’m from Philly.

RUSH: (laughing) Why is Cheez Whiz bad for you?

CALLER: It’s totally processed, there’s so many chemicals in it you can’t tell me Cheez Whiz in a can versus a package of cheddar cheese —

RUSH: How many people have died from it?

CALLER: Well, I can’t give you a number on that one.

RUSH: I don’t think I’ve ever seen it on a death certificate.

CALLER: You’re right. You can’t —

RUSH: This is my point, some people would say Oreos. What’s wrong with Oreos?

CALLER: The hydrogenated oil in the center, come on.

RUSH: (laughing) Yeah, I know. I know.

CALLER: I know. Everything in moderation, you know?

RUSH: Yeah.

CALLER: Let’s parent smartly; let’s be our own best advocate. Forget the government on this.

RUSH: Well, you know, Jack LaLanne, I hate to keep bringing him up — I knew him, folks, don’t misunderstand. Jack LaLanne, I met him years ago, he was a fine guy. He was a fan of this program, but look what happened. Jack LaLanne never ate processed foods, so he said. And he died. Jack LaLanne, it was just recently, passed away at age 96. He never ate processed food, but he did eat vegetables, watercress and all that, and Jack LaLanne nevertheless passed away.


RUSH: Janet, can you say it in about 35 seconds? That’s about all the time that I have.

CALLER: Sure I can.


CALLER: Thanks so much for taking my call. I just wanted to say that you’re absolutely right about Jack LaLanne. My mother-in-law was almost 95 years old. She died last Monday. She never exercised a day in her life, and she was the original junk food junkie.

RUSH: Wow.

CALLER: We’re talking cookies, cakes, doughnuts, sweet rolls for breakfast ice cream, chips. You know, the whole nine yards.

RUSH: Gee. She, according to the ‘experts,’ should have passed away a lot longer ago.

CALLER: And she lived by herself until she was 93-1/2.

RUSH: Yeah, my grandfather lived to be 104. He did. A lot of it is genetics. Janet, thanks much.