A Great Night for Michael Vick

by Rush Limbaugh - Nov 16,2010

RUSH: Mr. Snerdley wants to know what I thought of the football game last night. I tell you what, I have not watched a football game in a long time like that, and Vick — let me tell you something, folks, and Snerdley concurs with this. Where was Vick 18 months ago, two months ago? Mike Vick was in prison. He lost everything. He lost millions of dollars, a lot of people think justifiably so. Apparently he was burning with desire to get it all back. He has talked about how his incarceration has caused a lot of thinking about where he was, his life, recollections and so forth, and he says he’s a totally changed person.

There was an incident in the pregame that got everybody fired up, supposedly. Well, some spitting going on in the pregame, some Redskins. LaRon Landry was accused by Eagles players of taunting, talking trash, spitting, and, in fact, there was one Eagles player, DeSean Jackson, honest to God, folks, said one of the most unfortunate choices of words ever spoken. DeSean Jackson said, ‘After that happened in the pregame we were like a bunch of pit bulls ready to be let out of our cages.’ And I said, ‘Oh, my gosh,’ when I read that, of course, whoa. An Eagles player actually made that statement last night after the game to talk about the pregame and how it got ’em all fired up to go after the Redskins. And then there’s another player, Darnell Dockett, plays for the Arizona Cardinals, he tweeted — they’ve taken it off his tweet — he said even the dogs were cheering Vick last night, and they’ve taken that off of this guy’s twitter account. It’s really stunning stuff.

And then before all that, before the game started, we were told that McNabb had just signed a five-year contract extension, $78 million, $40 million of it guaranteed by the Washington Redskins two weeks after being benched for a whole host of reasons, not being able to run the two-minute offense. It was DeSean Jackson, the Philadelphia Eagle that made the pit bull comment: (paraphrasing) ‘Yeah, we were like a bunch of pit bulls let out of our cages.’ DeSean Jackson, number ten for the Philadelphia Eagles. Again, I didn’t say this. By the time this gets out it’s gonna be I said it in a conversation about the Congressional Black Caucus. I didn’t say it. DeSean Jackson did. ‘We were like pit bulls ready to get out of the cage.’ That’s the quote. Anyway, McNabb before the game, five-year contract extension, $40 million guaranteed. Today it has been learned that the amount guaranteed is $3.75 million, not 40. The rest of it’s bonuses if he plays games, makes the roster, so forth and so on, but the actual guaranteed amount — I knew that wasn’t true. Look, these contracts in the NFL are announced and the agents got out there and they’re the ones that release this stuff and the sportswriter community eager to be the first to break the news, it was ESPN that had the news first last night, ESPN first today had the news it’s only $3.75 to ESPN last night, $40 million, first to report it, guaranteed, first this morning to report it’s only 3.75. What will ESPN do to itself for being wrong? Probably nothing.

But that was an incredible game to watch last night, and for a while it looked like the Redskins were going to make a serious comeback. And then, sadly, some interceptions were thrown by the Redskins quarterback, on the day the announcement of the five-year contract extension was $40 million guaranteed. What did you think of the game, Snerdley? Did you like it? A lot of people have not seen professional football, a quarterback performance like that, with what was it, 300 yards or 299 yards in the first quarter, five touchdowns, three passing, two running, never before done in the first half, never before done in the National Football League. No question they coulda run it past 60 if they had wanted. They coulda run it up. They coulda easily had 66, 70 points in the game last night, no question about it.