Rush’s Morning Update: Speech! October 14, 2010 Oct 13, 2010Rush’s Morning Update: Speech!October 14, 2010Watch It! Download Morning Update Video in...
Backstory on Spitzer & the Ditzer Oct 13, 2010RUSH: This is Zack in Indianapolis. You are next on the EIB Network. Hi.CALLER: Beautiful, sir....
Obamacare Raises Medicare Advantage Costs for Seniors Oct 13, 2010RUSH: Here’s C.J. in Fort Worth, Texas. I’m glad you waited, C.J. Welcome to the program.CALLER:...
Feingold Mentions El Rushbo’s Name in Wisconsin Senate Debate Oct 13, 2010RUSH: Here’s Russ Feingold. He had a question. It was a Senate debate in Wausau. Question was:...
Obama Moves from the White House to the Neverland Ranch Oct 13, 2010RUSH: ‘President Obama said that he is expecting Republicans to offer him more cooperation...
Obama’s Drilling Moratorium was Intended to Punish United States Oct 13, 2010RUSH: Sherry in Quad Cities, Illinois, welcome to the EIB Network and are you on a cell...
Barney Frank’s Private Jet Scandal Oct 13, 2010RUSH: This is from Jim Geraghty at National Review Online, at his blog, and the headline: Bailout...
Exclusive: Communist China Secretly Funds Obama’s Salary Oct 13, 2010RUSH: On this foreign money business, ladies and gentlemen, this much we know for a fact: There is...
Krystal Ball: What’s the Big Deal? Oct 13, 2010RUSH: I don’t know how many of you tried to find the picture we were talking about yesterday of...
Regime’s Attack on the Chamber of Commerce Puzzles Democrats Oct 13, 2010RUSH: This foreign money business, you know, yesterday on this program I got rather serious about...
Woke Up This Morning and Found Out My 10th Cousin Lives in a Hut Oct 13, 2010RUSH: Folks, I don’t know where we’re going today but this is one of these weird days. I don’t...
The Intersection of Secretariat and the Rush Hawkins Singers Oct 13, 2010RUSH: You have the Rush Hawkins Singers standing by, Mike? I was telling you all the other day...