First Lady Uses Child as Prop

by Rush Limbaugh - May 19,2010

RUSH: Here’s a sound bite for you. Gotta go quick. It’s an unidentified girl at a Silver Spring, Maryland, elementary school this afternoon.

SECOND GRADE LITTLE GIRL: My mom says that, um, Barack Obama’s taking everybody away that doesn’t have some papers.

MICHELLE: Yeah, well, the… That’s something we have to work on, right, to make sure that people can be here with the right kind of papers, right? That’s exactly right.

SECOND GRADE LITTLE GIRL: My mom doesn’t even have papers.

MICHELLE: Yeah, well, we have to work on that. We have to fix that, and that everybody’s gotta work together in Congress to make sure that that happens.

RUSH: A second grader asked the first lady, ‘My mom says Barack Obama’s taking everybody away that doesn’t have papers.’ So the Democrats are using children as props again.


RUSH: I want to go back to this sound bite again. We hustled this in the previous hour. The audio here is Internet, a lot of reverb on this. It’s Silver Spring, Maryland, an unidentified second grader at an elementary school asking a question of the first lady, Michelle (My Belle) Obama.

SECOND GRADE LITTLE GIRL: My mom says that, um, Barack Obama’s taking everybody away that doesn’t have some papers.

MICHELLE: Yeah, well, the… That’s something we have to work on, right, to make sure that people can be here with the right kind of papers, right? That’s exactly right.

SECOND GRADE LITTLE GIRL: My mom doesn’t even have papers.

MICHELLE: Yeah, well, we have to work on that. We have to fix that, and that everybody’s gotta work together in Congress to make sure that that happens.

RUSH: Did Michelle hear what the little girl said? The little girl said, ‘My mom says that Barack Obama is taking away everybody that doesn’t have their papers.’ The little girl said to Michelle, it’s your husband that my mom says is taking away anybody that doesn’t have their papers, not the people of Arizona. And Michelle, who probably didn’t want to be there, gotta be there, Felipe Calderon is in town, she’s gotta get out of the White House at some point so Barack can have it for his purposes, gotta be there tonight for the dinner anyway, so, yeah, yeah, yeah, something we have to work on, right, to make sure that people can be here with the right kind of papers, right? That’s exactly right, yeah, well, we’ll have to work on that, we’ll have to fix that, everybody has to work together in Congress to make sure that happens. Everybody has to work together in Congress to make that happen.


RUSH: Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. There’s no question that kid’s question was a plant. This second grader was supposed to say ‘Arizona,’ not ‘Obama.’ Just look at Michelle Obama’s answer to the question. Michelle Obama knew she was going to get a question from the kid about Arizona ‘requiring papers,’ and a little kid goofed up the question. Arizona is a tough word for a second grader but ‘Obama,’ she hears it all of the time. I don’t think there’s any doubt it was a setup question. Michelle’s answer is the best indication to me that the whole thing was a plant because if Michelle had actually listened, she’d have said, ‘No, no, no! It’s not my husband that’s going to take people’s papers. No, no! It’s not my husband who’s going to ask for papers. No! No! It’s Arizona that’s going to ask for papers and we gotta have Congress to solve that. She just answered it as though the question was asked about Arizona, not her husband. So there’s no doubt in my mind.