Tuesday’s Quotes: A Great Thinker Apr 20, 2010You’re Missing Out on Thousands of Rush Quotes! Join Rush 24/7 NOW!”The regime would like...
President Clinton, Show Us the Words That Inspired Tim McVeigh Apr 20, 2010RUSH: Here’s that Megyn Kelly sound bite with Brit Hume this afternoon about Clinton and this...
Dr. Roy Spencer’s New Book Apr 20, 2010RUSH: Speaking of global warming, I gotta get in a plug here for Dr. Roy Spencer and his new book....
Loan Officer Snitches on Regime Apr 20, 2010RUSH: Carol in Olympia, Washington. Welcome to the EIB Network. Nice to have you here. CALLER:...
EIB Think Piece: World Comes to Halt Because Planes Can’t Fly Apr 20, 2010RUSH: I saw this last night and I just wanted to explode. ‘Flawed computer models may have...
Rahm Emanuel to Charlie Rose: Limbaugh Exacerbates Tensions Apr 20, 2010RUSH: Let’s go back to Charlie Rose last night. Rahm Emanuel. This is in a different interview...
Obama Heckled at Boxer Speech Apr 20, 2010RUSH: t wasn’t happy times out in San Francisco. Obama showed up, you had to have 30 grand or...
Barney Frank Loves That Gavel Apr 20, 2010RUSH: It happened again. Barney Frank is somehow running the House, he’s got the gavel. This just...
Obama Regime Denies Collusion with SEC, Goldman Sachs, Google Apr 20, 2010RUSH: The regime is denying any conspiracy between themselves and the SEC and Goldman Sachs over...
Rush’s Morning Update: Earth Day 40 April 21, 2010 Apr 20, 2010Rush’s Morning Update: Earth Day 40April 21, 2010Watch It! Download Morning Update Video in...
Does the Growing Welfare State Make Americans Too Lazy to Work? Apr 20, 2010RUSH: Daisha from Port Angeles, Washington, welcome to the EIB Network.CALLER: Hi, Rush.RUSH:...