Friday Quotes: Twenty Years of Generosity Apr 16, 2010You’re Missing Out on Thousands of Rush Quotes! Join Rush 24/7 NOW!”Twenty years ago we...
Sisters Match Rush’s Donation! Apr 16, 2010RUSH: This is our 20th anniversary, the 20th straight year of raising money to cure leukemia and...
We Won’t Forget You in Santa Cruz Apr 16, 2010RUSH: Cat in Santa Cruz, California, great to have you on the Rush Limbaugh program. Hi.CALLER:...
IRS Can’t Explain Rules to Caller Apr 16, 2010RUSH: Frank, Wheatfield, New York, welcome to the EIB Network, sir, great to have you here.CALLER:...
Houston, We Have a Socialist Apr 16, 2010RUSH: Jack, Orcas Island, Washington. Nice to have you on the program, sir. Hello.CALLER: Mega...
Obama Mocks American People, Demands a Thank You for His Work Apr 16, 2010RUSH: Down in Miami at the home of Gloria and Emilio Estefan on Star Island, Barack Obama...
Bill Clinton Links Talk Radio, Tea Parties to Non-Existent Terrorism Apr 16, 2010RUSH: Let’s go back, April 24th, 1995, Mississippi, Minnesota.CLINTON 1995: We hear so many loud...
Teachable Moment: Market Drops on SEC Filing vs. Goldman Sachs Apr 16, 2010RUSH: There’s a piece of news out there that’s a very teachable moment and I want to start with...
Rush Donates $400K to Kick Off Our 20th EIB Leukemia-Lymphoma Society of America Cure-A-Thon Apr 16, 2010RUSH: Here’s the number I want you to write down. This is the number to call to donate to cure...
Rush’s Morning Update: Ideas? April 19, 2010 Apr 16, 2010Rush’s Morning Update: Ideas?April 19, 2010Watch It! Download Morning Update Video in...
Obama and Holder Want to Give Al-Qaeda Platform to Bash America Apr 16, 2010RUSH: Jim in Flint, Michigan, as we go back to the phones. You’re on Open Line Friday. Hello,...