Rush’s Morning Update: Collegial February 17, 2010 Feb 16, 2010Rush’s Morning Update: CollegialFebruary 17, 2010Watch It! Download Morning Update Video in...
One Year Later: Obama Fails, Thinks His Message Didn’t Get Out Feb 16, 2010RUSH: From an eager-to-help Associated Press, we had a forerunner of this story yesterday:...
El Rushbo and McNabb on ESPN: The Gift That Keeps on Giving Feb 16, 2010RUSH: I am the gift that keeps on giving. Yesterday morning ESPN’s Mike and Mike in the Morning,...
Libs Freak Over Bayh Resignation Feb 16, 2010RUSH: Well, I continue to be amused here, ladies and gentlemen, watching the left freak out over...
Great Question: Did New Deal Spending Revive the Economy? Feb 16, 2010RUSH: We got a great question here on the phones. It is from Patricia in Barstow, California. I’m...
McCain Goes Hard After Hayworth; Sarah Palin (R) in No-Win Situation Feb 16, 2010RUSH: Ben Smith has it in The Politico today: ‘John McCain’s communications director, Brian...
Chris Christie’s Bold Budget Speech Lays It All On the Line Feb 16, 2010RUSH: I want to get on to this speech that Chris Christie gave in New Jersey. I have the text of...
Obama’s Propaganda Scientist Feb 16, 2010RUSH: Ladies and gentlemen: Lake Erie is now frozen over. ‘For the first time in 14 years,...
Chicago Thugs Target Toyota Feb 16, 2010RUSH: Frank in Harbor Springs, Michigan, welcome to the EIB Network, sir. You are next.CALLER:...