Bin Laden Joins Algore’s Team, Becomes an Environmentalist Jan 29, 2010RUSH: I wonder who’s gonna break to the news to the guy that it’s water vapor? Hi, folks. It’s...
Suggestion: Let’s Move the KSM Trial to Washington, DC or Detroit Jan 29, 2010RUSH: The KSM trial. You know, this is funny. When Holder first announced this, remember, now; he...
Warning: Democrats Have Not Given Up on Passing Obamacare Jan 29, 2010RUSH: You know, we talked about this yesterday, ladies and gentlemen, about how Harry Reid and...
Caller Steamed Over Auto Recalls Jan 29, 2010RUSH: Marion, Illinois, John, you’re next, Open Line Friday. Hello.CALLER: Mr. Rush, mega dittos...
Obama Says He’s Not a Bolshevik, Communist Party Thinks Otherwise Jan 29, 2010RUSH: So Obama says he’s not a Bolshevik but, folks, the Communist Party USA loves Obama. Here are...
Audio Cuts: Kerry, Goodwin, Frank Jan 29, 2010RUSH: Some sound bites I intend to get, let’s get to them now. We’ll start at audio sound bite...
Talent on Loan from God Wins Contest for Miss America Judges Jan 29, 2010RUSH: Here’s Dave in Wyoming on a cell phone. Great to have you with us, sir. Hello.CALLER: Hey,...