Rush’s Morning Update: More Lies Septermber 24, 2009 Sep 23, 2009Rush’s Morning Update: More LiesSeptermber 24, 2009**Note: No video while Rush is in LA.Listen to...
Why Hillary Never Joined Military Sep 23, 2009RUSH: Scarborough show this morning on PMSNBC and Scarborough said, ‘Americans are tired of...
Paterson Takes Rush’s Advice, Blames Obama for His Own Failure Sep 23, 2009RUSH: Now, yesterday, might have been Monday, the days run together. But David Paterson was told,...
The Loser in Line to Replace Ted? Sep 23, 2009RUSH: What do I always say? I always say that failure is a resume enhancement if you’re a...
Obama Shatters Our Self-Esteem; Denies American Exceptionalism Sep 23, 2009RUSH: No longer in love with myself. Barack Obama’s seen to it the last two days. We teach...
Khadafy Sounds Like a Democrat, A Kook Inspired by Barack Obama! Sep 23, 2009RUSH: Well, I mean this is a laugh riot. Khadafy is still speaking, going on 90 minutes now. He’s...
Obama Serves Up America on Silver Platter to UN Freak Show Sep 23, 2009RUSH: Yeah, yeah, yeah, I showed up here in a great mood today, ladies and gentlemen. Like I...
Bam: Boston Cars Melt Ice Caps Sep 23, 2009RUSH: Here, grab audio sound bite 22. This is Obama last night at the fifth annual meeting of the...
Why Hillary Never Joined Military Sep 23, 2009RUSH: Scarborough show this morning on PMSNBC and Scarborough said, ‘Americans are tired of...
Paterson Takes Rush’s Advice, Blames Obama for His Own Failure Sep 23, 2009RUSH: Now, yesterday, might have been Monday, the days run together. But David Paterson was told,...
The Loser in Line to Replace Ted? Sep 23, 2009RUSH: What do I always say? I always say that failure is a resume enhancement if you’re a...
Obama Shatters Our Self-Esteem; Denies American Exceptionalism Sep 23, 2009RUSH: No longer in love with myself. Barack Obama’s seen to it the last two days. We teach...
Khadafy Sounds Like a Democrat, A Kook Inspired by Barack Obama! Sep 23, 2009RUSH: Well, I mean this is a laugh riot. Khadafy is still speaking, going on 90 minutes now. He’s...
Obama Serves Up America on Silver Platter to UN Freak Show Sep 23, 2009RUSH: Yeah, yeah, yeah, I showed up here in a great mood today, ladies and gentlemen. Like I...
Bam: Boston Cars Melt Ice Caps Sep 23, 2009RUSH: Here, grab audio sound bite 22. This is Obama last night at the fifth annual meeting of the...