Rush’s Morning Update: Unsolved Mysteries September 15, 2009 Sep 14, 2009Rush’s Morning Update: Unsolved MysteriesSeptember 15, 2009Watch It! Download Morning Update Video...
Saturday Afternoon in Washington: Conservatism on the Ascendancy Sep 14, 2009RUSH: What an event that was on Saturday. In fact, folks, there were more people at that event on...
Desperate Liberals Cry Racism Sep 14, 2009RUSH: I kid you not Newsweek magazine’s September 14th cover has a little white baby boy with the...
DC Protest Mobsters Call the Show Sep 14, 2009RUSH: As promised, it’s now time to go to the phones. We’ll start in Chicago. This is Patricia and...
Obama Claims Economy Saved Sep 14, 2009RUSH: Folks, Snerdley asked me a question during the top-of-the-hour break. Maybe some of you were...
Axelrod to America: Screw You Sep 14, 2009RUSH: You know, Colleen from Virginia Beach was our last caller, and she said she was at the rally...
Beware, Folks: A Third Party Will Reelect Obama and the Democrats Sep 14, 2009RUSH: Dana in Ottawa, Illinois. Welcome to the EIB Network. Hello.CALLER: Hi, Rush. I’m thrilled...