Media: Evil Limbaugh Calls Obama and Sotomayor “Reverse Racists” May 26, 2009RUSH: So listen up. The Drive-By Media, AP, reporting that I referred to Sonia Sotomayor as a...
The Way To Win Hispanic Votes May 26, 2009RUSH: Here’s Paul in Culpeper, Virginia. Hi, Paul. Welcome to the EIB Network, sir.CALLER: Hi,...
Obama Lies and Liberals Love It! May 26, 2009RUSH: The Power Line guys, John Hinderaker, Scott Johnson and Paul Mirengoff have an interesting...
WH: Rush Doesn’t Speak for GOP May 26, 2009RUSH: Wow! This is great, folks! This is utterly fabulous. Anita Dunn is the White House...
Iran and N. Korea Test Obama May 26, 2009RUSH: Mike in Raleigh, North Carolina. Great to have you, sir. You’re next.CALLER: Yes. Rush.RUSH:...
We Don’t Need Our Own Messiah May 26, 2009RUSH: Monica in St. Louis, you’re next, great to have you on the EIB Network.CALLER: Hi. Thanks. I...
How Did Sonia Sotomayor Succeed in the Unjust, Pre-Obama America? May 26, 2009RUSH: We’ll start in Chicago with Lee. Great that you called. Nice to have you on the EIB...
Where Do General Powell and Governor Ridge Stand on Issues? May 26, 2009RUSH: Now, I’ve checked my e-mail at home since the Sunday shows. They had General Powell on Face...
GOP Must Go to Mat on Sotomayor to Tell Real Story of Barack Obama May 26, 2009RUSH: Maybe I should say here, ladies and gentlemen, for the first day, for the first time in my...
Rush’s Morning Update: Stand Up! May 27, 2009 May 26, 2009Rush’s Morning Update: Stand Up!May 27, 2009Watch It! Download Morning Update Video in...
Tuesday Quotes: Captain Constitution May 26, 2009You’re Missing Out on Thousands of Rush Quotes! Join Rush 24/7 NOW!”Do you know why the...