Obama Snubs Nevada Governor
RUSH: I want to read to you a quote from President Obama on Sunday at Notre Dame about how we...Why is the Left Still So Angry?
RUSH: Brittany in Temecula, California. She’s 20 years old. It’s great to have you with us.CALLER:...Rush Issues a Challenge to MSNBC
RUSH: I have a little challenge I would like to issue here. I would like to issue a challenge to...Arnold is the Future of the GOP?
Here we have the governor of California, Arnold Schwarzenegger, agreeing with this, and Arnold is...This Isn’t About Oil or the Planet! It’s About Cutting Us Down to Size
RUSH: We have sound bites from President Obama announcing all these new fuel standards here at the...A Chrysler Dealer Fights Obama’s Destruction of the American Dream
RUSH: All right, now, Obama, Carol Browner. This benevolent administration wants to ‘work...Liberal Admits: Ethanol is a Joke
RUSH: Now, yesterday, ladies and gentlemen, I shared with you a story on how ethanol, finally the...Diane Sawyer Begs for Higher Gas Tax
RUSH: ‘President Barack Obama’s new fuel and emission standards for cars and trucks…’...California Mess is a Microcosm of What’s in Store for the Rest of Us
RUSH: You do not grow an economy by making things more expensive for average people to utilize.