Rush’s Morning Update: Castro! February 20, 2008 Feb 19, 2008Rush’s Morning Update: Castro!February 20, 2008Watch It! Download Morning Update Video in...
Michelle Obama Slams America, Says Husband Can Save Its Soul Feb 19, 2008RUSH: Here is Michelle Obama. This is yesterday in Madison, Wisconsin, at a Barack Obama campaign...
Michelle Obama Slams America, Says Husband Can Save Its Soul Feb 19, 2008RUSH: Here is Michelle Obama. This is yesterday in Madison, Wisconsin, at a Barack Obama campaign...
Rush Baby: History Repeats Itself Feb 19, 2008RUSH: Erin in Martinsburg, West Virginia, welcome to the EIB Network. Hello.CALLER: Hi, Rush. It’s...
Rush Tries an Obama Speech Feb 19, 2008RUSH: Barack Obama was on the Today Show today with Matt Lauer, who said to Obama, ‘You seem...
GOP to Movement Conservatives: Get Your Minds Right and Pander! Feb 19, 2008RUSH: There was a piece in the American Spectator yesterday, one of my favorite online websites...
The Inverse Obama-Caller Ratio Feb 19, 2008RUSH: This is Christian in Detroit. You’re on the Rush Limbaugh program. It’s nice to have you...
Hillary Hunts for Angry White Men Feb 19, 2008RUSH: Anyway, ‘Facing the prospect of her ninth and 10th straight losses Tuesday, Hillary...
Rush Limbaugh Defines Hope Feb 19, 2008RUSH: Roy in Hattiesburg, Mississippi. Roy, thanks for waiting. Welcome to the EIB Network.CALLER:...
Michelle Obama Slams America, Says Husband Can Save Its Soul Feb 19, 2008RUSH: Here is Michelle Obama. This is yesterday in Madison, Wisconsin, at a Barack Obama campaign...
Mrs. Clinton Won’t Be Denied Feb 19, 2008RUSH: It is heating up, the Wisconsin primary today. Seventy-four delegates on tap for the...
See, I Told You So: Feminists Miffed Over Rejection of Hillary Feb 19, 2008RUSH: Let’s go back to the archives, the audio sound bites. This program yesterday, I said...
Michelle Obama Slams America, Says Husband Can Save Its Soul Feb 19, 2008RUSH: Here is Michelle Obama. This is yesterday in Madison, Wisconsin, at a Barack Obama campaign...