
Rush Limbaugh

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The Rush Limbaugh Show Main Menu

Rush Talks with Tony Snow

RUSH: Tony Snow, welcome to the program. How long have you been on hold?SNOW: I’m doing fine. Good...

Vitter vs. Villaraigosa

RUSH: Now, this David Vitter thing. Have you noticed…? You know, we have Larry Flynt out...

Regulate the Drive-By Media

RUSH: Now, I want to continue a little bit of a theme that I have started today. There’s all this...

Dems Shun Facts for Emotions

RUSH: The Los Angeles Times on July 9th. We’ve talked to you about the new message maker the...

Dems Shun Facts for Emotions

RUSH: The Los Angeles Times on July 9th. We’ve talked to you about the new message maker the...

Regulate the Drive-By Media

RUSH: Now, I want to continue a little bit of a theme that I have started today. There’s all this...

El Rushbo Irritates RFK Jr.

RUSH: People ask me all the time, ‘Rush, what’s the favorite part of your job?’I say,...

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