Generals Rebuke Biden: China, Not Climate Change, Poses the Biggest Threat
Following the junk science, our commander-in-chief sees the weather as America's top threat.
Crowd Sings National Anthem at NHL Game
JASON: Something special happened this week at a hockey game at Nassau Coliseum.
Fauci: When You Criticize Me, You Attack Science Itself!
This kind of thing is why they call public health "practicing," Guide Host Jason Lewis aptly noted.
Today’s News Demonstrates Why Rush Made Global Warming a Signature Issue
JASON: Keep the population in fear — whether it's climate change or coronavirus — and then you control them.
Rush Illuminates Us on the Left’s Assault on “Whiteness”
JASON: Have we lost our minds? This is nuts, folks, and it's liberal self-loathing as Rush described not long ago.
Road Trip with Rush: Dexys Midnight Runners
JASON: Every Friday we've been building a playlist with the audience from Rush's bumper music.