A Big EIB Anniversary: The Limbaugh Letter Team Celebrates Dan’s Bake Sale of 1993
BRETT: These two women are the driving force of The Limbaugh Letter. They join us to talk about Dan's Bake Sale.
Rush Always Said It: We Must Stand with Israel or We’re Next
RUSH: Forget Jew and Arab, forget liberal, conservative. If Israel loses this, then we are next.
Rush Could’ve Told You, Joe! Ceasefires Are Pointless
BRETT: Rush laid out a perfect argument as to why this ceasefire just isn't going to work.
Cuomo Collusion Demonstrates Rush Is Right on the Media-Democrat Axis
RUSH: You don’t have competing intellectual arguments inside the left. You either have acceptance or heresy.
Classic “Farding” Bit Relevant to Post-Mask World
BRETT: Lipstick sales jumped more than 80%. You know what that means. It's a return to farding. That's right. If you wonder what I'm talking about, I'll let Rush explain it.
Parties Split Internally Over Israel, 1/6 Commission
BRETT: That's become the hot topic in the last 24 hours, the source of outrage of so many on the cable news channels.