The Greatest Brain in Radio Connects Tennis and Politics
TODD: Only the Maha's intelligence could spot this incredible comparison, Serena Williams, Hillary Clinton, Naomi Osaka, and Donald Trump.
EIB High Note: Grandson Helps Grandpa Fulfill His Spitfire Dream
TODD: The EIB High Note today is about a grandson who helped lift his grandfather’s spirits in more ways than one.
Your Guide Todd Herman’s Stack of Stuff
Todd Herman guided us through today's program. Check out his stack of stuff.
Rush Explains the Meaning of Memorial Day
RUSH: I'm really glad my dad drilled into me these things that he had lived through.
A Special Open Line Friday Military Edition
KEN: Thank you again to all our incredible veterans. And thanks again to people who are civilians but they also volunteer to take care of us. God bless.
Rush Predicted Biden’s ChiCom Covid Cover-Up
KEN: A lot of people questioned the World Health Organization, including Rush.