History Will Not Be Kind to Those Who Pushed the Disastrous Lockdown

by Rush Limbaugh - Jun 16,2021

It’s not the 600,000-plus American lives we’ve just reached today that have been forever lost to the virus China probably leaked (“purposely or inadvertently”) – in what Guide Host (and 2020 Republican Senate candidate in Minnesota) Jason Lewis declared any competent commander-in-chief would see as “an act of war” – that will be indelibly written into the history books. It’s the political shenanigans! And the egos and pure power-mad grabs that unnecessarily stole our election rights, crushed our economies, ruined our lives, and abused our children.

“Taking a public health challenge and exploiting it for political expediency,” Jason indignantly said, “which culminated, by the way, in revising of state election law by officials who had no business doing that, primarily secretaries of state” is the true permanent travesty of coronavirus lunacy lockdowns.

“They looked the other way, all of the officials looked the other way as ballot harvesting was going on,” Jason continued hammering. “And this all came about, by the way, because we just had to do something in the face of lockdowns and coronavirus to allow people to vote without actually proving who they were and getting to the polls like normal Americans would. Used to be had to jump through a hoop or two to vote because it wasn’t only a right. It was also seen as a privilege. Now it’s like, you know, have ballot, will travel.”

Such limitations to our voting rights were “illegal,” Jason, the former Minnesota congressman, said he still can’t believe he has to continually shout out. And especially crazy since the frauds were put into action in regions like his filled with “patriots and 83 percent voter turnout” – results that materialized without any help from the election deceptions that spread across lib states much faster than the politically hyped virus.

Multiple chapters in our future accurate history books – the way Rush admirably corrected such errors about our country’s founding in his landmark Rush Revere award-winning, best-selling children’s series – will need to be devoted to the shills who devastated our economies and, in the process, ruined lives all “for your own good” by locking you down and away from your own former prosperity.

Rush knew this well even at the beginning of the laughable lockdowns. He lamented and warned about it.

“It can’t go on,” Rush dramatically said. “This forced shutdown, the forced ruination of the United States economy, must end. And I can’t tell you, I am longing for that day. I’ve tried during the course of every day’s busy broadcast, I have tried to convey my concern and fear for you, for all of us, for everybody.”

As one of countless examples, Jason spread the sad news from Andy Puzder, former CEO of CKA Restaurants (like Hardee’s and Carl’s Jr.), who wrote that from March 1 through August 31st, nearly 100,000 businesses listed on Yelp had closed permanently due to the lockdowns. That’s 500 a day. Our country, Jason reinforced, has been “devastated with a lockdown that was there for political expediency by the power-hungry left and their allies in the media and in Big Tech.”

And, by the way, Big Tech, Jason says can’t be left out (but probably will be like so much of the as-of-yet unwritten history of this outrage): Who do you think benefitted beyond big time from our locked doors, as deliveries from Amazon piled up on our porches? Or due to our formerly productive fingers having nothing to do but order endless inane streaming programming to binge on?

Why, as usual, will we most likely be left binging on bad facts, Jason pondered, rather than the all-too-true recognition that our precious freedom was locked away from us as we were fraudulently locked away from each other?

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