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TODD: Bo Snerdley is hosting a podcast series out now. It’s Rush Limbaugh: The Man Behind the Golden EIB Microphone. You likely know that already. It’s a look behind the scenes at how Rush made all this happen. Bo, or James Golden, talks with Rush’s brother David in the latest episode of this series. David had a lot of insight, including how important the bond between you and I, the listener, and Rush himself was and what that meant to Rush. Take a listen.

DAVID: He considered his audience intimate, and he would tell them his deepest, most innermost thoughts. And I don’t know about you, I think that’s so cool. And I think that’s one of the things that has made him uniquely popular among his audience, that developed the bond. And since he’s died, I have received thousands of communications, emails, Twitter messages, Facebook, personal letters, from unbelievable numbers of people who do say, “I loved him. I feel a personal void. He was the best friend I never met.” Now this sounds like a cliche, unless you read — they’re not just saying, “I love your brother.” Passively. No. They’re saying, “I feel wounded. I feel a hole in my heart that he died.”

TODD: I’ll just say, I corresponded briefly with David. He’s just a dear gentleman, loved his brother so much. You can hear that entire conversation with James and David Limbaugh on his podcast: The Man Behind the Golden EIB Microphone.






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