EIB High Note: Dan’s Bake Sale

by Rush Limbaugh - May 14,2021

TODD: A week from tomorrow is the 28th anniversary of Dan’s Bake Sale. If you’re new to the program, you won’t know about that, but it is legendary. EIB has a great show planned for this. Brett Winterble will be in all next week. He’ll take you through this. So comingled with the regular news of the day, they’re gonna revisit a few of the gems from that fateful event in Fort Collins, Colorado, back in 1993, including a couple surprises. You will not want to miss this.

Here is Rush getting us all pumped for the great day.

RUSH: Dan’s Bake Sale. Do you have the theme song ready for Dan’s Bake Sale? Here are people who just want to get together and enjoy life, have a great time. Here’s our update theme, ’cause there’s a little bit more information to let you know about.

ANNOUNCER: Get ready, America! Dan’s Bake Sale is coming soon.

SINGER: (parody of “Makin’ Whoopee”) This guy named Dan / Rush’s Limbaugh’s fan / To acquisition fall’s edition / He’ll raise some money / Enrage his honey / Dan’s baking cookies. (laughing) Ha ha ha! Yeah.

ANNOUNCER: Coming soon to Fort Collins, Colorado, to help Dan raise money to purchase the Rush Limbaugh newsletter —

SINGER: (whistling)

ANNOUNCER: Dan’s Bake Sale. Buy a cookie for conservatism.

SINGER: We’ll raise some money / Enrage his honey / We’re baking cookies.

RUSH: (singing along) “Cooooookies.” Well, thousands are expected, and reporters are saying, “Are you surprised?” And I say, “No. This has been going on for five years. The Rush Limbaugh program has been out there drawing crowds for five years. We’re surprised here that it’s taken the mainstream press so long to see it.”

Rush’s TV show recapping Dan’s Bake Sale — from May 24, 1993…

It’s gonna be big, and I want to update you people in Los Angeles on the latest. They filled up their charter jet inside of three hours, and it would have taken three minutes except the volume of phone calls blew out four of their six phone lines that were dedicated to (laughing) reserving seats on the airplane. And they cut their waiting list off at 200. But they had calls coming in to the dedicated numbers all the way through 7 o’clock this morning, just a couple of hours ago.

So that’s two chartered 727s that we know of, and there was a rumor that a guy out in LA was trying to put together yet another charter. Nothing has happened on that. But the interest in this thing is continuing to balloon. Again, it is Saturday, the 22nd, just a couple of days from now, in Fort Collins, Colorado. Dan’s Bake Sale. All of this is for one reason, and that’s for this young man to get $29.95 to purchase a copy of The Limbaugh Letter. That’s why we should never lose focus, never lose sight, my friends, of exactly what’s happened and what this is all about.

It’s not a publicity stunt. It’s nothing other than the pursuit of a subscription to a newsletter and the inherent trickle-down policies which have occurred. Crowd estimates now range anywhere from 25,000 to 75,000 people. I just got the latest weather forecast. Scattered showers are like a 40% possibility, and at the time I’m slated to be in town, there’s virtually no chance of rain. So that’s when you want to be there (laughing) is when I’m there.

TODD: So next Friday we’ll take you back to the early nineties to relive the historic day and hear from members of the EIB team who were there, got some great stories plus some exciting news. You can go to RushLimbaugh.com to see Rush’s first TV show after Dan’s Bake Sale. It’s filled with archival footage and, of course, Rush’s commentary of the day.

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