Rush Is Right! Radicals Run Joe Biden’s Presidency

by Rush Limbaugh - May 4,2021

KEN: I don’t know if you saw this, the secretary of state Antony Blinken — or, as I like to say, Antony Blinked — and I’m quoting him: “Our purpose is not to contain China.” See, that’s the problem, Tony. Can I call you Tony? That’s the problem. That’s the problem with Biden. That’s the problem with the people that he surrounds himself with. Now, his handlers are different.

His handlers don’t give an inch. The people that are puppeteering Biden, like Obama, who lives two blocks away or whoever else may be involved, the puppeteers. But Biden is… Well, let me just say that Rush was so right. You know, Biden bends on pretty much everything. And the left… What has the left always done and Rush has always told us?

The left always will telegraph what they’re gonna do, and this is what they thought Biden’s best quality was! “Well, you know, he’s willing to cave…” What? He’s willing… No. Biden is willing to sell out America and put America fourth, fifth, or sixth if it’s good for him and then the party that supports him.

Rush spoke about the Marxist radical Angela Davis. She used to be involved with the U.S. Communist Party, and she even said Biden is the candidate who can be most effectively pressured.

RUSH: Angela Davis, former vice president, U.S. Communist Party. These Marxists and commie pinkos go all the way back to the sixties. Anyway, here is what she said about her group, the radical left and their preference in this presidential election.

DAVIS: I don’t see this election as being about choosing a candidate who will be — who will be able to lead us in the right direction. It will be about choosing a candidate who can be most effectively pressured into allowing more space for the evolving anti-racist movement. Biden is very problematic in many ways, but — I say but — Biden is far more likely to take mass demands seriously.

RUSH: Do you realize how profound what you just heard is? This may be one of the most eye-opening, illustrative — illustrative, for those of you in Rio Linda — sound bites that I will use today. This tells you everything you need to know about who the American left is. All right, here we go. We’ll play it one more time. I’m telling, folks, you are listening to a profound profundity here. There are two ingredients in this, she says, that will tell you everything you need to know about who these people are.

DAVIS: I don’t see this election as being about choosing a candidate who will be — who will be able to lead us in the right direction. It will be about choosing a candidate who can be most effectively pressured into allowing more space for the evolving anti-racist movement. Biden is very problematic in many ways, but — I say but — Biden is far more likely to take mass demands seriously.

RUSH: Translation: He’s the bigger wimp in the race. The first thing she says that is profound is: We’re not looking for a leader. We’re not looking for anybody to lead us anywhere. We radical leftists, we already know where we’re going. We don’t need some pretender leader. And Joe Biden certainly isn’t one of those. Joe Biden’s not a leader. Nah, the reason we support Biden, and we don’t even really like the guy, but the reason we’re supporting Biden is ’cause he’s a wimp. He’ll do what we say. He will respond to our efforts to intimidate him. That’s what it means when she says that he’s far more likely to take mass demands seriously.

She’s dressing it up, but what she’s really saying is this guy is gonna cower in the corner the first time we confront him. This guy’s gonna give us everything we want because he’s a coward, because he won’t stand up to us. The last thing this guy is is a leader. By contrast, they want no part of Trump because they can’t intimidate him. They want no part of Trump because he is a leader, and he’s gonna lead people in a direction opposite the chosen path of Angela Davis and her merry band of radical leftist Marxists.

This sound bite — and believe me, she does speak for a lot of them — she’s of emeritus status. She protester emeritus status. If the left were a law firm, she would “of counsel” status. She’s a heroine to these people and she is just laying it all out. They don’t need a leader. They don’t need somebody taking them — they know exactly where they’re gonna go, where they want to go. They don’t need some guy in the White House, or a woman. They don’t need anybody paving the way. They need somebody to get out of the way. They need somebody that’s gonna just cave to them, rather than stand up to ’em.

KEN: That is an amazing insight and — as always — accurate, pinpoint accurate. If you look at the people that are puppeteering Joe Biden and you look at how easy he can be moved around… For example, the greatest example just in the past week, there was a moment. There was a flicker of common sense that got into Joe Biden’s head.

I don’t know if he fell down again or… Well, he falls up. But he falls up stairs, but I don’t know if he fell forward or backwards. But something got into his head, and law enforcement officials and some border people said, “Mr. President…” That had to make ’em cringe to even say that. But they said that, and they said, here’s what we think. And remember for a minute, he wasn’t gonna mess with President Donald Trump’s limitations on immigration, child, uh, kids immigrating and refugee status and some other crucial components of what was actually making the border safe.

Of course, he pretty much blew that up because we still have holes in the wall now because from day one he forced them open, President Biden did. But he got a bunch of pressure from the left. The radical left, the actual leaders in the Democrat Party. The Democrats, as Rush said, they don’t want leaders, because the majority of their party are sheep. So they really don’t need leaders.

They just need some other sheep. So someone like Angela Davis is thrilled to have a follower in the Oval Office along with — and this is what worries me — the Communist Party, China, federal employee unions, the news media, BLM, Russia, the Ukraine. This is the problem, and every day people are seeing it more clearly.

Every day people are realizing, “Wow. This guy’s not only a goofball. I mean Corn Pop is… He’s off the hizzle.” (sic) But he flops in the wind, and that’s the problem when you don’t put America first. If you put America First, like President Donald Trump does, then you don’t say, “Well, what’s the Communist Party gonna think about it? What do you think we should do to pleas China?

“How do I please the federal employee unions? How do I make all the teachers happy? How do I make BLM happy? Think about it. How do I make Antifa happy? Are we gonna be able to make the Ukraine happy? Can we keep the leftist protesters happy?” That’s not the job of a president, especially of the greatest country on earth.

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