Police Officer Explains the Split-Second Decisions Cops Make Every Day

by Rush Limbaugh - Apr 22,2021

TODD: Matt from Cleveland, Ohio. Matt, you’re on the Rush Limbaugh Show, Todd Herman, your guide host. Glad you called, Matt. Welcome.

CALLER: Thanks for taking my call, friend. I’ve been a cop for almost 30 years, and I planned originally to do it for another 10. But the way that things are now with cops being vilified for not only doing what’s wrong and getting whatever consequences they have coming… I don’t disagree with that. But when you’re doing things right and by the book and by your extensive, yearly updated training, and you’re still vilified, it’s time to go. I can take care of mine. I can take care of me and those around me ongoing. But as far as the masses, I just can’t do it anymore.

TODD: Officer —

CALLER: And I’m not the only one. There are others that are in the same boat.

TODD: I got your first name here, Matt. I choose to call you “officer” right now, ’cause you’re still a cop, right?


TODD: Yeah. Just, one, number one, thank you for being a good cop, as most of your brothers and sisters are. Number two, have you ever had anybody yell at you because you didn’t get there soon enough? Like, “Where were you? You didn’t get here! How did it take so long”? Is that an experience cops have?

CALLER: Oh, all the time. I mean, well, when it applies, yeah. “You don’t get here soon enough.” You know, in the situation, we are trained that an assailant with a knife can get to a cop with a holstered weapon if they are 20 feet or less to that officer. Chances are you’re gonna end up going hand-to-hand, and he was even closer than that, and this young lady was right on top of her victim.

He had no choice. It was either save the girl or not. It’s what it comes down to. And it’s not only the fact that the left loves to vilify cops regardless, but everybody else that is on the right or centrist that are failing to stand up in mass and say, “You know what? Enough’s enough. We need the cops because if these cops continue to leave, then you’re gonna end up with subpar individuals left to take up the mantle, and you’re gonna end up with buyer’s remorse.”

TODD: And, you know, Mark, I would just say that, also, if cops like you leave and cops who understand the Constitution and understand that dread duty of, “My gosh, are you kidding me? I have two 16-year-old children, one attempting to kill the other. I have to make the horrible decision to take a life to save a life.” You’re gonna end up with cops who are in it to enforce social justice rules.

And the other thing that the left is showing — and they’re indicating in every possible way — is to people who’ve been made angry, victimized by CNN and the other mockingbird media, we’re gonna give you your shot at revenge. That is a police force we do not want. Mark, brother, I appreciate you, man.

I want you to know, I get emotional when I talk about you guys that you strap it on every day. Do me a favor. I gotta run. But tell the folks on the force. I know this audience — I’ve been so blessed to fill in and to guide host for Rush now that he’s gone to heaven. There’s so much support for you guys. Please stay safe, and I hope the decision that you come to is the right one for you.


TODD: Let’s talk to Betsy in Wisconsin Dells, Wisconsin. Betsy, you’re on the Rush Limbaugh Show. It’s Todd Herman. Hi, Betsy.

CALLER: Hi, Todd. Thank you so much for your support of the police. It’s so important nowadays. I will tell you, last May — no, the end of May — after the whole what happened in Minnesota, I started writing thank-you letters to police departments and sheriff departments throughout our country, and I’m now up to… I do about 10 per week, and I’m now up to 422 letters I’ve sent out.

TODD: Oh, bless you for doing that.

CALLER: Oh, thank you so much, and last week I’ve now started writing to the Border Patrol sector officers, too, because they need huge thanks too for what they’re doing for us, to sacrifice. I’m gonna tell you a little bit about what I say in the letter. I say, “To everyone working for the Atlanta, Georgia, police department, I’m from Wisconsin Dells, Wisconsin. I want to send you a huge thank-you for all you’re doing to protect the people of Atlanta.

“I have great respect for how your peripheries protect all from danger and lawlessness, as well as they have to think like psychologists and lawyers. You are of our soldiers willing to lose your lives, and you do all of that while facing the dangers of covid-19. Believe me, I am only one of many Americans who think this way. Thank you so much for all you do.”

So I call up the police stations and sheriff departments, and I thank individually whoever I’m talking to. So that’s kind of a nice part of it too. And I see what’s wonderful, Todd, is people can do this from their own home, and that’s why I was so happy I could do this, you know, during the whole covid thing when we were all stuck at home but I could have contact and thank these people. So I’ve written to every state in the union. It’s 422 letters I’ve written —

TODD: Wow.

CALLER: — and I’ve received an amazing 167 thank-you letters and emails and patches.

TODD: Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness.

CALLER: And it’s just… They make my cry when I read them. Here’s one of them from a police chief. “Thank you so much…” This is handwritten. “Thank you so much for your kind letter. As you know, it’s been tough year for law enforcement. It is people like you that give us strength. Your letter is posted on the bulletin board for all to see.”

TODD: Aw I just love it. I just love it. Betsy, you just…You’ve made my day. I’m not on a even a cop. Family members are cops. Have some friends who are cops. I’m going to guarantee you something. You’re gonna be busy, because I think you’re gonna get a lot more thank you letters, ’cause your name is gonna get around law enforcement circles. You watch and see that. You just said this on the world’s largest radio show. Betsy, God bless you. God bless you for doing what you’re doing and for expressing it this way on Rush’s show. Just a pleasure to chat you with you.

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