Rush Nails It: Leftists Target the American Founding Through Attacks on Masculinity

by Rush Limbaugh - Apr 15,2021

KEN: You may have seen, it’s starting to unfold now, if you’re hesitant about the vaccine, especially if you’re a man, but if you’re in the wrong state or whatever, according to the left, you’re a Neanderthal. And if you’re a man, if you’re hesitant about the vaccine, it’s because of your toxic masculinity. Like I said, the left uses this every angle they can. Here’s Rush.

RUSH: Over the course of many recent months, I have made the point that one of the objectives of the modern American left is to transform America away from its intentions and its designs as founded. what they really want to do is transform America away from our unique founding, convert it to a socialist democracy. Some of the radicals even want to go further and have this country become totally communist. In fact, there’s a poll out.

“Millennial men were far more likely to identify as some kind of socialist than women. A total of 40% responded affirmatively to the question.” Now, how in the hell can that be? ‘Cause there’s one thing — something doesn’t just jibe with socialism. You know what it is? Self-reliance! Self-reliance, taking yourself seriously, standing up for yourself, believing in yourself, relying on yourself. Being a man just does not jibe with socialism.

Socialism does not work well with self-reliant people. Socialism and communism attempt to erase self-reliant people. Self-reliant people — people that do not need, do not depend on anybody but themselves, their immediate circle — are huge threats to socialists and communists. So how in the hell has this happened? How is it 40% of Millennial men have become socialists, more than women? It ought to be the exact opposite.

Well, hello, modern era feminism, which has had as one of its targets the demasculinization of men. And they’ve been very open and honest about that. They’ve even conjured up terms for it: “toxic masculinity,” “dangerous masculinity.” They are doing their best to erase natural male characteristics from as many young guys as they can, and since guys want to pal around with women within whatever women want is what men end up doing, on balance.

I mean, you have individual exceptions, of course. You got Clint Eastwoods or you’ve got James Caans that tell everybody to go to hell when they’re told how to live and how to act. But, on balance, men do what women want ’em to do. If a big book is famous and hot and women dig it, men are gonna go say they’re reading it or try to become conversant in it. It’s just the nature of things. So they’re being highly, highly successful — and it’s targeting America and its founding.

I’m not just targeting capitalism. They’re targeting the concepts of individual liberty and freedom and targeting the concept that government is the institution that needs to be limited most in a representative republic. The de-emphasis of government, the getting government out of people’s lives. It’s just the exact opposite with communists and socialists. So I have an evidence piece here. Not just flapping my gums.

There’s a New Yorker story by Michael Lista, a guy, published yesterday. “The Tears of Brett Kavanaugh” is its title. It is a horrible piece, and it does exactly that which I have been warning people. It goes all the way back to the founding of America to trash “white men.”

“If a white man didn’t get what he wanted, it was nothing short of a constitutional crisis…” This is what this clown saw in the Kavanaugh hearings! But you’ll notice the references here. “From a single phrase by Thomas Jefferson — that public life is about ‘Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness’ — the fulfillment of the white American man’s … desires assumed the force of a fiat,” meaning an automatic, “and became the ultimate purpose of this country’s society.

“If a white man didn’t get what he wanted, it was nothing short of a constitutional crisis…” Bingo! These people prove me right each and every time I go analyzing them. So the trouble with America is that it was established by white men for white men and the pursuit of happiness and life and liberty was only intended for white men — and if any white man was obstructed in the pursuit, then there was something wrong with America.

Do not minimize this. I’m telling you, this belief is animating the last two generations, informing the last two generations of kids going to high school and college. This is the kind of drivel that they are being taught, that America is corrupt from its founding days, that it was founded for an exclusive group of people: White men. Nobody else need apply.

KEN: You know the interesting thing about this? This has to be taught, because — as we discussed earlier in the show — most Americans lean to the right. Most Americans are conservative. Remember when you could say, “Man up,” and no one would be, “Oh, my God! What did you say?” and then it was “women up” to overcompensate. Then it was “cowboy up,” remember? “You really need to cowgirl up.” I think we need to gender up.

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