Marine Father’s Salute Goes Viral

by Rush Limbaugh - Apr 6,2021

KEN: Rush used to say, “Keep the faith,” and it’s easy to be brought down. It’s easy to see our country through the lens of a television or a phone or a laptop. But — as Rush did such a great job reminding us — the majority of Americans, even the majority of government is good.

Good intentions, quality people, people that love America, people that respect you and the many. Now, if you really want to get energized, our team — Ali and the rest of them today — found this beautiful video clip. Mike, play just that little segment first, please.

MASTER SGT. MICHAEL FISHER: It is a privilege to render you your first salute.

KEN: Now, that is a father-and-son Marine duo. The father is a decorated Marine. He’s been there for many years. His son just got commissioned, and it gives me goosebumps just telling you about it. It’s just about a minute long. It’s on RushLimbaugh.com. Marine father salutes his son for the very first time. You’ll be on a high for the rest of the week.

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