
Rush Limbaugh

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TODD: I didn’t know this, that there is actually a bust that the EIB team had commissioned for the Maha. Here’s Rush himself talking about that.

RUSH: Folks, you don’t know how odd it is to look at a bust of yourself. It’s not like looking at a picture. It’s life-like. It’s huge. It’s a little bit bigger than my head. It looks good. The same artist did it, the sculptor out of Kansas City, Missouri [E.S. Schubert]. We’ve taken pictures of it, and we put it up at RushLimbaugh.com. A heartfelt thanks to the staff for that, because it’s really great. We get advertisers, clients in here, any number of people, and they’re not gonna be able to avoid seeing it.

You know what they’re gonna think. “My God, this guy has got the biggest ego ever. He’s got a bust of himself in here for everybody to see!” I made that point, and said, “Yeah, well, that’s the image they have, we may as well further it along.” So there it is on display out there. You know, we ought to call the White House and tell ’em we have this bust of me that we’d like to donate. We’d like to lend them a bust of Rush Limbaugh.

TODD: (laughing) I love that so much.

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