Rush Told Us There Would Be No Unity

by Rush Limbaugh - Mar 8,2021

TODD: Rush has taught us about “intelligence guided by experience,” and the teachings of EIB, they’re, to me, being fully realized as I’m watching the effort of the mockingbird media. I define that as media channels who repeat and amplify the words of technocrats, leftists, and statists, with no skepticism added. Despite their best efforts, Americans still don’t trust election results.

Even though we’re being told, once again, it was the safest and more secure in history, a bunch of Americans don’t. We need to speak about these things. Others, other indicators. We all saw the drop in cases coming. We talked about it. If Biden got into the White House, we didn’t know he’d be behind a militarized wall (he is), and that suddenly we’d see the cases decline. We’d see the World Health Organization suddenly say, “Hey, let’s stop using a fake, irrational test for this,” and that happened.

Then we said the Democrats who have promised with hashtags even — they even brought hashtags to the table — that there would be unity. (laughing) Now we’re seeing that they want to destroy the filibuster so they can continue to shove down the throats of the American people this authoritarianism, that they’re just chomping at the bit for, none more authoritarian than seizing control of elections. Right? And you have somewhat reasonable Democrats from back in the day…

Later in the show, we’re gonna remember a time when Rush talked to a kind of Jurassic Park Democrat who is still reasonable, Joe Manchin. He’s saying, “Hey, let’s not scrap the filibuster. Let’s just make the senator talk the whole time like Rand Paul did.” That can happen. He wants it to be more painful, but the rest of the Democrats want it gone for now. Of course they’ll want it back if there’s a Republican president to follow.

They’ll want it back. So all of the unity they promised, it’s a lie. It was never meant to be. And we can see that with our own eyes. The good news is, we predicted these things. The mockingbirds can’t keep this from us. They can’t keep us from our experience guiding our intelligence, as Rush taught us about. Now, of course, bipartisanship isn’t a great thing when you’re being bipartisan with communists. Right? Rush told us that President Trump understood that the left had to be defeated, that President Trump focused on correcting this nation’s course. He brought people to his vision without worshiping bipartisanship.

RUSH: The idea that Donald Trump should be called a failure because he has somehow failed to unite the country? That’s what Trump was gonna do? That’s what Trump…? How in the world can you possibly think that? Trump was elected for the exact opposite reason, for the exact opposite objectives.

Donald Trump was elected as an outsider. He was elected to drain the swamp. Everybody knew that was not gonna be pretty. The swamp’s just not gonna sit there and let themselves be drained. They’re not just gonna watch themselves go down the drain with the Drano and not put up a stink about it.

If something like making America great again becomes the primary reason somebody opposes you, then what must those people who oppose you really want? If making America great again makes them mad — if the concept of making America great again really ticks them off, and if it fires them up to the point that whoever is going to make America great again has to be destroyed — then what must those people actually want?

Bipartisanship? Bipartisanship? The only way that’s ever gonna happen is if we cave on our core beliefs. They’re not going to, and the left isn’t even interested in bipartisanship. The left doesn’t even believe in opposition. Their objective is to eliminate it and to wipe it out, and it ought to be ours. In a political sense, it damn well ought to be ours.

So blaming Trump for the lack of bipartisanship out there? Sorry. I just don’t believe it. Bipartisanship? Come on. Give me a break. That’s not at all what Trump was about. It isn’t complicated at all — and I’m telling you, it’s really serious. We’re dealing with a radical left in this country that’s feeling its oats like they never have before, and their objective is to permanently transform this country away from its founding principles.

TODD: Timeless. It’s timeless, and they’re showing it on display with the “let’s get rid of the filibustering; let’s seize elections, H.R.-1.” “Let’s enforce an anti-scientific view of the world. Let’s enforce it.” It’s remarkable. Today, the CDC put out a note giving people a list of rules to follow once they gotten the mRNA. Now suddenly the government is saying, “Here’s how you can gather in small groups,” and the mockingbirds are presenting it! CNN literally said, “Here’s the list of rules to follow,” ha-ha, from Tony Fauci’s CDC. The change they’re looking for. This is adherence to appeal to authority they’re looking for.

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