Rush on the Left’s Never-Ending Quest to Alter Human Nature

by Rush Limbaugh - Mar 8,2021

TODD: Now, the person who was the best, bar none, at illustrating absurdity through absurdity was our dear departed friend Rush. Above all other things, in my judgment, Rush was an expert on human nature. He loved how God made us, he studied how we work. He… (laughing) He studied what makes us who we are even to the comedic point, right? It’s funny. And, not surprisingly, in a funny sense, Rush knew that the left was obsessed with altering human nature even if it requires force.

RUSH: You remember when TIME magazine did that cover, when they learned that men and women are born different? In 1996 or 1997, TIME magazine actually had a cover story: “Men and women are born different,” as though it wasn’t news to them. I love to point this out. Imagine you’re the editor at TIME magazine and you come across news that boys and girls are different at birth.

That is such shocking news to you that it deserves cover story status. Who in the world thinks that that’s news? Well, if you have been steeped in liberalism from the time you were born ’til the time you got out of J-school, ’til the time you started working in journalism, where we had couples raising their little girls with GI Joes and deep blue-painted bedrooms and their little boys were in pink bedrooms and playing with Barbie.

And they were shocked to learn that their little girls were trying to find new wardrobes for GI Joe rather than pulling the trigger. These leftists are just stunningly, stunningly obtuse to me. (sniveling) “How Can We Make Progress on Gender Roles?” Why do you people on the left want to so deny human nature? I have the answer; I think it’s amazing.

I know exactly why. Undeniable Truth of Life number 24: “Feminism was created so as to allow unattractive women easier access to the mainstream.” Bing-go! That thought earned me lifetime status as a great thinker, and, to this day, women, leftists, feminists and feminazis are still outraged by Undeniable Truth of Life number 24.

TODD: Now this is extended to, you know, people who are “transactivist men” wanting access to women’s prisons even though they’re men, therefore, not ugly women. I don’t go around calling women ugly, but they’re men, and they’re getting into women’s prisons. So Rush’s Undeniable Truth of Life number 24 (laughing) is extended into dudes with beards being allowed to be in prisons with women!

I’m telling you, the undeniable truth of Rush’s wisdom throughout the ages, it’s right here, and it’s just being expanded upon as if the left is recognizing Rush’s death by in fact memorializing his words by showing how right he was. It is insane to watch, and yet it will continue as the left continues to try to tear us apart — and I’ve seen Democrats recently. I’ve seen them turn.

I’ve seen them turn with the selective COVID rules and the politically useful lockdowns and, et cetera, and the mask hypocrisy. It’s happening. It’s happening. If we can somehow hold off H.R. 1, the Feds seizing control of elections — or get enough Republican AGs to sue over that — it’s happening. There is an awakening.

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