
Rush Limbaugh

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TODD: We miss our friend Rush, and he always told us his talent was on loan from God, and then he told us that that took on a much bigger and different meaning to Rush after he shared with us that, as our friend put it, he had gone past his expiration date. I want to share with you just a thought. And when we come back, I just want to wrap up this day as we as a family have just been in tears together. And it’s okay. A lot of people are sending me notes that they’re crying. It’s okay. We’re also laughing, remembering.

So I want to just share that thought with you when we come back on the one and only Rush Limbaugh program.


TODD: Our strong, spirited friend, Rush Limbaugh, has gone to the Lord. And with some of his last shows he chose to tell us he accepted the will of God Almighty. And maybe that was his final lesson. We love you, Rush Limbaugh.

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