
Rush Limbaugh

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RUSH: So guess what, folks? The governor of Massachusetts has called for an immediate return of kids to the classrooms. Isn’t this amazing how this happens? During the entire year of the Trump administration, whatever Trump suggests, whatever the Trump administration authorizes, whatever they think we can do and should do, the left says ain’t no way. No way, we’re not opening schools, we’re not opening classrooms, too risky, too dangerous, not doing it.

Now they’re gonna open restaurants in California, they’re gonna open restaurants in New York, 25%. That’s just the beginning. They’re gonna now open the schools in Massachusetts. Massachusetts is one of the major states that was locked down for a good part of 2020 during the pandemic era. And they did this in order to — just like they withheld hydroxychloroquine. They withheld that. It was perfectly fine. It’s not gonna kill you. It’s not gonna hurt you. It’s not gonna harm you. It works. And they withheld that drug from the market.

They had to do as much as they could to stymie the Trump administration’s progress on COVID, on the economy, on the build back. They just had to do it, and now that Trump is gone, guess what, everything they opposed throughout 2020, why, they’re gonna reopen for business. Yep, including the schools.

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