Rush 24/7 Morning Update: What Goes Around

by Rush Limbaugh - Jan 8,2021

RUSH: Well, we have a couple of quick items today.

First, despite all the threats from Democrats like Chuck-You Schumer and Nancy Pelosi about removing President Trump via the 25th Amendment or a second impeachment, that is highly unlikely. Roll Call says there’s a very simple reason these things probably won’t happen: A lot of lawmakers have already left town.

They are vamanos!

The Senate isn’t scheduled to come back until January 19, the day before inauguration ceremonies. Not a single Senator objected to scheduling what’s called a “pro forma session,” which means no business will be conducted until inauguration eve. So all this talk is just that. It’s talk. It’s posturing in front of the cameras.

Second item. The Trump administration is still working, and they’re about to publish new regulations to give miners access to more federal lands. Reuters reports that Joe Biden may be able to reverse some of this, but many reforms enacted by President Trump are irreversible, and Biden will have to restart the rulemaking process on others, which will take years. Now, this really ticks off the environmentalist wackos — which is good!

Maybe the best part of this story is how the fast-track permitting process that President Trump is using came into existence. It was a law signed by President Barack Hussein O. in 2015.

Sometimes what goes around, comes around in the most delightful ways!

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