Rush 24/7 Morning Update: Unhappy Ending

by Rush Limbaugh - Dec 7,2020

RUSH: On Sunday, Politico reported on the sad plight of Democrats in Iowa, and elsewhere. Besides getting rid of Trump, as Democrats believe they’ve done, the party had an “unhappy ending” in the 2020 elections.

Their dreams of winning back statehouses fizzled. And not only did they fail to win the U.S. Senate outright, they almost lost the House of Representatives.

Politico reports that the Democrat party’s disastrous election-night showing has left Iowa Democrats “on edge.” They’re doing a lot of “soul-searching.” Supposedly.

Senator Joni Ernst, who was said to be in the fight of her life, clobbered her Democrat opponent by seven points. President Trump trounced Biden by eight points. Iowa Democrats lost one House seat and barely hung onto their other one. None of this was predicted by polls or pundits, who expected a blue wave.

This raises one of the biggest questions of all.

How is it that the Republican Party did so well, exceeding all expectations? How did Republicans manage to gain or hold onto seats they were supposed to lose, at every level of the electorate? With the only exception being the most popular Republican in the country, President Trump?

There’s an easy answer. President Trump had a great night, too. Until “on-edge” Democrats made sure he didn’t. By giving themselves a ballot-machine “edge.” And that’s why they’re “on edge”. They’re just waiting to get caught.

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